Anyone else see Danny selling Patrice and Jim posters on his website store?

4  2018-05-02 by LOSfan

Not sure if this is me snitching but I noticed Danny is selling the poster for the Patrice Benefit on his website along with a poster of Jim Norton

Is he allowed to profit off of other performer's likenesses?



this is the link where he's selling the stuff

ill take your word for it. no thanks

That Norton poster is awful. I AM offended!

He initially offered it for free, I think to the hundredth social media reply, or something. That was then deleted, here, and he told another user he'd reconsidered how to distribute them gratis back to the fans. That was several weeks back, I'm shocked at this covetous development.

Tell Von, she'd love to send a cease & desist, if he starts selling t-shirts she might stab him.

Must need then sweet coins, filthy kike

He put the money up to print them. I’d rather he keep whatever money he makes off the those special prints than give it to coach con.