This audio of Norton over-explaining how funny he thinks the 24 year old female intern is (NO HONESTLY, IM BEING GENUINE) hasn't received the hatred & attention it deserves

12  2018-05-02 by RapistWithHIV


Before you go to shit on Dave Smith, remember Norton called him unfunny or whatever, yet here he is fake laughing at his jokes. It took Jim creeping out his girlfriend to get back to his pontificatingly smug inside the actors studio self.

it hasn't received the hate it deserves because no one is listening anymore.

Desperate 'Looking for my muse just so I can get pussy regularly' Jim Norman is awful.

Either stick with your misogyny like the old days and be a lonely hack or backtrack and pander so much that eventually you'll ghost write one or two lines for someone you'll never fuck and continue to be a lonely hack.