I got fired, not for being racist, but because there was "too much anger in my social commentary"!

4  2018-05-02 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK


The linked tweet was tweeted by @AnthonyCumiacm on May 02, 2018 18:56:38 UTC (0 Retweets | 11 Favorites)

Too much anger in my social commentary due to an assault minutes earlier. https://twitter.com/JoeExotic/status/991737153255329792

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He really acts like he was innocent and just targeted for no reason.

They tend to do that.

It wasn't racist. I tweeted n!&&3r. I didn't use the n-word. What's everyone so upset about?

I'm still hilarious.

It still upsets me that no major website that reported on this caught on to that. I figured even the Young Turks would notice but nope

"minutes earlier"?

Everything he says is a lie. That incident happened in Times Square. Anthony then drove all the way home which takes well over an hour and then started the racist tweets.

To be fair, I think he stumbled to his apartment near Times Square.

You remember that was the one that he had, but was ordered by the court to let his 20-something girlfriend live there, rent free, after he assaulted her and got nailed with domestic violence charges and she moved out for her own safety?

Anthony said he didn't get DV charges and that hes leaving NY as soon as possible. And we say Opie is a liar.

He was uncerimoniously canned via email. Tell him to share the email.

Nothing was ever his fault.

Wasn't this asshole just on a vacation? Fat fucking lot of good it did him.

Right, alright

That statement just reeks of a cover up, dumb tranny fuckin' wop