Jim just said this is legitimately one of the greatest songs of the last 20 years

8  2018-05-02 by Dennyislife


Lady Gaga?

Why, because it’s McCartney? This faggot realizes there are more bands than just KISS, Sabbath and The Beatles, right?

He likes Lady Gaga, too.

Yes an elderly Beatles song that tries to mimic a young Beatles song is probably the perfect recipe for musical innovation.

The chorus is "Ooooooo", and the verse is that pop-esque shit "We do what we want" that's in every song. More mediocre shit from the pop world.

Thanks to the British government making the foolish mistake of releasing u/Dennyislife from the psychiatric hospital, we have to suffer through garbage like this from this friendless, autistic loser whose only purpose in life is to be a white knight for Sam Roberts.

Sir go back to your wrestling reddit.

Weren't the Beatles some piss drinking gg allin kind of band before they realised that teen girls are retards that will buy anything?

I don't know what's more overrated. The Beatles or U2.


God the wrong Beatles really did die.

Paul's recent stuff is poor but George's solo stuff was weaker.

Nothing paul did came close to all things must pass

After All Things Must Past the quality of his songs went down but he never tried to stay relevant by collaborating with any ol pop artist to stay relevant like Paul. I’d take any off All Things Must Past over any of the poppy shit Paul did after the breakup.

All Things Must Pass is better than everything John and Paul did solo.

Unpopular opinion: John Lennon is overrated and he needed Paul to make his stuff work, his solo work STINKS

Not surprising. He thinks "Crash" is one of the greatest films of all time