How long before Westwood One realises that Opie is hamburger, and they're more of a pizza station?

103  2018-05-02 by MawBTS1989

Just wondering.





tss Opie's like a burger that don't taste good or somethin



Turns out Hans Asperger was a Nazi who sent kids off to be euthanized.


you literally have 5-10 years of jail time from posting here. please just simply leave

that's the Brit/Aussie spelling you wanker

thats my point

how did I get dragged into this mess? HAAAAAAAMBURGER!

Shucky ducky, quack quack

(applause break)

Honestly, I’d love to hear the train wreck that would be the Opie and Scorch show.

He couldn't save Opie at this point, doesn't matter how determined, talented, experienced or quick-witted Scorch is.

Does Scorch have a podcast???

Sir, Scorch is a well respected Hollywood actor, and also a top tier broadcaster with a dedicated fanbase. He really can't be compared to a nobody like Opie.

Less than one show in.

Not long. Hate aside he is just boring. His guests will be boring unless Westwood One can bring some in from other shoes. Even then he just isn't an interesting person or an engaging interviewer. Not hamburger, not pizza just day old, cold oatmeal.


What about boots or flip flops?

Fixed but fishing boy will probably be wearing flip flops for a couple of episodes. I’ll leave it to the members of this group to pass judgement. My fondest hope is that I leave this planet without ever her is dull stupid voice ever again

That sounds like a line from Tim Sabean.

Did the Promo not do it?



What about boots or flip flops?