The Roslyn Nibbler / Strangler / Rib Cracker says he is leaving New York. Speculate!

34  2018-05-02 by WhatTooReal


Hopefully he’s planning on reuniting with his parents.

I believe they are both deceased.

He is setting up a studio in thailand on the advice of john or jeff, who he communicates with through the dark web

He is still overstimulated from his week at Disney. He will get over it.

Did he ever get his firearms back?

no, once the cops take them they're gone unless you spend $$$$$$$$$$ getting them back, and even then most of the time the cops will render them unusable.

Next stop New Jersey!

Doesn't have a DV conviction yet. Isn't the court case still going?

Yeah, don't leave NY now because that multi-million dollar media empire is really going places.

Just wait until he gets the Tampa Bay studio

I like how he threw that in there, but he absolutely does have a DV conviction.

He pleaded guilty, and had to undergo a court-mandated rehab program.

I can't believe Grandpa's forgotten that already - he's getting worse.

Plead Guilty = Guilty

When poor black people plead guilty on the advice of their court-appointed lawyers it's because they're guilty. When Antwan Kumiya plead guilty on the advice of his expensive get-out-of-jail lawyer it was because "that's how the system works".

Yeah, but he also bit the bitch and broke her ribs. That nigga guilty.

Wasn't part of the plea deal that his conviction be struck from the record if he did his silly rehab?

The rehab into which he snuck alcohol, as per Joe "A Child's Saliva Makes Me Feel Alive-a" Cumia?

Hopefully meatballs can convince him to stay.

Which state's children will he prey on next?

From a business standpoint, Anthony should move to California. Being in that environment day in and day out would tap into everything that made him funny on the radio. Honestly, O&A should have done it in their latter years. They would have kept every single listener and added another huge block. There’s a whole west coast market that O&A never tapped into. As long as Anthony stopped with all the conservative values bullshit and just went back to calling democrats faggots, he’d do well. Sports coat Anthony stinks.

Leave now

lol why? Because leaving New York would be the smartest thing Anthony has done in years. Staying here and doing a shitty green screened show with a dying heroin junkie and now apparently some chubby chaser named Dave is fucking retarded. Best case scenario is Artie sneezes too hard and his heart explodes on air. Most publicity that show will ever get.

You're absolutely right. Shit, didn't Anthony partially grow up in California? He could buy actual land away from the coloreds where he can shoot his guns and not have to deal with litigious Jewish neighbors when he flies the CunnyDrone around.

"draconian DV laws" is #3 on the Forbes "Why do people move?" list.


Cuomo's bill is bullshit, though


When Artie dies and I run out of money, I'm moving in with Fez in Florida and knocking tin while drinking PBR and talking about the "good ol days"

Fez Marie will not lower himself to quarter that pock-marked canaille

Good point!

Todd lives a private life.

Plus does his mom have room For Anthony too?

An audio recording of that would be infinitely better than anything produced by CP Media.

I would buy a sub to that

Too many of "those people" in NYC, and by "those people", I mean the tempting trans community.

He plead guilty to a third-degree assault, what the fuck is he talking about?

Arizona or Texas.


Gary Glitter is setting up bunk beds in Nam waiting for his new hut mate.

No connection? You bit a bitch. That’s domestic violence you dumb spaghetti nigger

Can you imagine this wop in Texas or something? They will sniff out his gayness and murder him right away

Off to the navy with Lady Di!

?? As soon as possible? He could have bought half of Texas in 2014 and lived like a gay emperor.

Nigga running out of money.

Sounds like AntH finds the Governor...Cuomotose


I expect this is about guns. He will never, ever get a handgun or carry permit in NY so he will move somewhere where he can carry a gun around and be white trash.

> as soon as it's possible

...and considering he bought THE COMPOUND at the absolute peak of the market and it's now worth 1/3 less than he mortgaged for it that should be real soon.

Biting is violence

This shithead should have bought a few hundred acres in Montana, or Texas, or Arizona and lived happily ever after on a ranch with his guns, YEARS ago, back when he had clout and a future.

He could have had an actual compound, not a Long Island pre-fab "McMansion", with a pool that's open more than four months a year, and set up his shitty greenscreen studio inside a 4 car garage, and make SiriusXM pay to install an ISDN line line they do for most of their radio jocks.

He hated the commute, he hated being in the studio with Opie, and he didn't do anything before or after the shows that required him to actually be in the office. It's not like he partakes in anything the City has to offer outside of an occasional Yankee game in October, when they're in the playoffs.

At least then, his creeping insanity and slow death of liver failure could be blamed on his isolation and hermit lifestyle. Instead, he's just a old, drunk, racist curmudgeon who'll die here, kicking and screaming the entire time about how oppressed he is in New York state.

I remember Anthony saying around 2012 he only lived in NY because of the radio show, and would leave for Texas or another gun friendly conservative state as soon as he had a chance.

The fact is, he’s Long Island white trash. He’s not going anywhere. He was born, lives, and will die an early death all within a 20 mile radius.

I believe they are both deceased.