Get a load of these faggots

0  2018-05-02 by Single_Action_Army


What is Pig-speak for "I do"?

u/ChrisFischer comment?

I think it’s “Oink”

Ask Dave Landau

I’d like to see them thrown off the dock & eaten by a bunch of aggressive Bull Sharks.

Gavin McInnes is still initiating proud boys?

Chrissakes. Poor dude. If she’s like all the others that look like her on Tinder, it doesn’t take more than 15 minutes for her to demand that you come over and break her. This dude never got there. Instead he spent three years romancing her while other dudes gave her what she wanted.

Yo I didn't give a fuck about r/happy but you clowns better not get everyone who posts here banned from r/aww your boy needs his sleepy kitten pictures

Those arms are disgusting.

But they feel nice and cool on a hot summer night. Like placing your face on an air conditioned pillow

congrats mr and mrs landau!

Guaranteed she was looking for some Haitian dude and found that fucking dork and couldn't help but take advantage

I thought we werent supposed to link to other subs?

Fudge the rules I don't give a faaaaaaaaawk DVV DVV DVV

Just think how fucking fat she's gonna be after she lets herself go after the wedding.

tss maybe he found her on the beach or something tss


I liked this thread better when it happened at mde yesterday

I seriously hope he's gay and that's his beard.

You know what, I’m glad this fatty found love. Likely one less angry fat bitch who blames her overeating on a thyroid issue and directs all her energy, energy that should go into exercise, into complaining about men on Twitter. That poor bastard deserves the Purple Heart.

So, basically, she sucked a mile of cock before she swiped right on you.