James Norton "I can't get a woman to go out to lunch with me" Raging Against Incels

1  2018-05-01 by tonydogs


Why can't these fffffffffuckin ssssssscumbags just be happy having a woman put makeup on them for their YouTube channel like us normal guys?

TIL even women find gay men repulsive enough to never want to hang out with them

"Just accept that you're rejected."

Blinking intensifies

James Joseph "I get SO MAD if my opener won't go out to luch with me every time I ask" Norton II

Wait, hold on guys. I hate to be a stick in the mud, but our shrill calls of faggot were wrong; Jim is wearing a Black Sabbath Rock & Roll Tour T-Shirt- there can be no doubt he is one member of a very small club, the very most masculine men on earth.

Isn't this the same guy who flipped his shit at an 18 year intern for not wanting to fuck the man who gargles with shit and piss?

Because you should have found someone by now, you estrogen filled mo.

This show is fucking shit. Incels have been a prominent group and topic on the internet for years. there was even a short documentary made about them in 2011 which is quite entertaining: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sJ8EAwRauoM

Now it’s 2018 and suddenly the term is in mainstream news articles across the internet and thank god Jim and Sam are here to explain it all to us, despite the fact that they were oblivious about it all for years and only just read about it that morning while eating their eggs.

What a shit fucking show. Just two johnny-come-lately retards reiterating shit they skimmed on google news that morning. Maybe they’ll tell me all about Bitcoin and cryptocurrency next.

If Jim didn't have money he would have ended himself at least a decade ago, probably on or near a holiday for full affect.