Let Westwood One know what kind of scum they've hired.

11  2018-05-01 by TheMidnight_Rider


The linked tweet was tweeted by @tranthony_cumia on May 01, 2018 13:18:58 UTC (4 Retweets | 14 Favorites)

@WestwoodOne @LTMets44 @OpieRadio This is the kind of cruelty Westwood One rewards


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well well well, we meet again robot.....

#cakestompmillionaire 2018

Anthony looks good in that photo.

The blur really helps him

Pretty sad on his part to try and make wwo drop opie. This is the kind of shit that we do to him that makes him rage and have bowl movements in his adult diapers.

I hate Opie as much as the rest but let's be real here, that bum still ate that cake. It was covered in plastic and just a little smashed up. In fact he's the asshole if he didn't eat it.

I don't care in the least that Tits stomped that cake, I just enjoy that he'll be trolled by it for the rest of his life.

Can we at least get a few episodes of opies show to critique before people try and get him fired?

What a gay thing to request!