God damn it, Anthony. Enough.

41  2018-05-01 by RBuddCumia


He has a good point. You don't see Anthony whining that all his guns were taken away. He did the crime and paid for it. Don't get me wrong, I'm not defending him. I just know he reads this crap and I want to remind him that he had the only thing he ever truly cared about taken away from because he couldn't behave.

He doesn't whine about it because hes scared the blacks that read his twitter will take that as his house being open for business.

He doesn’t acknowledge it at all. Anthony likes to call himself “outspoken” but he’s extremely afraid of challenging anything that could affect him. Remember how he would always pander to cops and kiss ass in an embarrassing manner? Anthony doesn’t like ruffling feathers and doesn’t want or need any attention put on the fact he was convicted.

100%. If Ant were truly outspoken and believed that he got railroaded by the system with the whole DV charge he would be shouting about it to the rafters to his dozens of adoring fans and thousands of twitter followers.

His moron fanbase will defend any half-baked shit he throws at him. I was arguing with one of the /r/TACN moderators here the other day and they legitimately believe that a shifty DA that was fired destroyed the Mcmansion video footage that would have proved him innocent of attacking Dani.

If that were true, do you really think this drunk wouldn't be ranting about this everyday on twitter?

Was it the Deaf Penguin idiot?

Yup. Believes that is his smoking where-the-fuck-is-my gun.

At no time in the history of the world has a man as spineless Anthony referred to himself as “outspoken”.

Hes one to talk about civil behavior. Isn't that right Danni Brandmuffins.

She doubles over and holds her ribs when you speak her name.

To be fair, she did that before Ant Rocky'd them.

By rights, anyone who dines at a waffle house should be arrested and imprisoned.

Anthony is calming down in his old age

He is basically an SJW.

Coming from the biter of women and the groomer of 14 year olds online (although it was a 40 year old man, he still tried). He a dumb niggah.

Hasn't this dope complained multiple times about getting busted for shitty driving? Speeding and blasting past toll booths. Why does he feel like he shouldn't be held accountable?

because he's "white"

"Do what I say not what I do" has been this old cunt's mantra since he stumbled in front of a microphone. He'd tweet about violent behavior while gladly having everyone in the subreddit gassed because we pointed out that he paid to fuck a dude in a dress.

His Twitter avatar makes me irrationally angry

Ant has admitted to crack and cocaine use, has been arrested and plead guilty for domestic abuse, and has multiple driving infractions.

I don't have a joke, just stating facts

This Tweet could easily be anyone at all talking about him and his lifestyle.

Danny you're in the middle of trying to get this sub closed down for "hate speech", why are you posting here?

Also someone else has already taken your dumb podcast name.

Yeah I saw that and they haven't updated their site since August.

civil, biting your girlfriend and shit

Can Ant go five minutes without thinking about black people? That old prick's thought process has a fast track to blacks.

When’s the last anyone has given even half a shit about Reverand Al?

We the refs

He bit his friend's daughter after tasting her shit.

Remember when they used to rag on Mancow for going shock political?


Yup. Believes that is his smoking where-the-fuck-is-my gun.