Anthony compares first black US President to famous cartoon monkey. What will he call his 4th Twitter account?

47  2018-05-01 by McGowan9


The linked tweet was tweeted by @AnthonyCumiacm on Apr 30, 2018 19:24:49 UTC (20 Retweets | 138 Favorites)

I don’t give a fuck what she joked about.

I don’t care if she got in Sarah’s face and made piggy noises.

That’s not the point.

My point is, how about ONE Curious George joke during Obama’s 8 yrs?

You think these “open minded” liberals would have defended a comic making THAT joke?

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Ohhhh i get it now lol good one gramps

Do you think it annoys the decaying high school dropout that Barry's a Harvard man?

Colleges are nothing but liberal indoctrination camps

Of course. *pours another captain morgan and coke

unless you're going stem but then again some of the prerequisite classes i had to take were pretty commie filled


dont make me make another women and or racial joke gorgeous

Keep digging, dumbell.

-said by every meth head construction worker who didn't go to college

All I need to keep me going down on the job site is my thermos full of joe and olive loaf on rye, thank you very much.

thermos full of joe

Kid spit?

olive loaf on rye

Sounds like somethin' a queer or a commie would eat. Gimme ham or lunch meat on white, that's what I say!

Hey, I don't see any college courses teaching greaseballs how to shit in a spackle bucket

Anthony would have gone to Harvard too if his dastardly high school gym teacher hadn't stood in the way.

I didn't finish college (and I am glad I didn't), but any retard can finish high school. One has to either go out of their way to fail, or they would have to be so mentally retarded, that they manage to fail P.E. and Spanish.

im in blocktown

I wish you'd been in Jonestown

Me too

Ant used to be one the funniest guys out there.... he got lost along the way...

He did used to be. Fucking guy made me practically cry laughing a few times.

Have no way to prove it and he would die before admitting it but I think he's probably (deep deep down) fucking pissed off with himself for getting fired for his racist twitter hissy fit.

But accepting any blame would mean examining himself and that's an ugly road to go down- figuratively and literally. Better to pour another drink, stick on a Colombo rerun and rage tweet against the blacks and commies!

It started raining outside. What would you do?

Yuck. There's nothing even clever about that.

Not even comedy genius Mencia could make it funny. First 90 seconds:

It's worth remembering that Barack Hussein Obama, courtesy of his mother's Northern European stock, is much whiter than Anthony Cumia could ever hope or pretend to be.

Let me take this moment to explain, I thought the cop was a prostitute.

alright girls you know to do! report this and let’s get this racist POS banned!

I hate to defend Anthony's tweets but Barack and Michele both looked exactly like monkeys

Tell that to your girlfriend see what happens

I'm pretty sure I ended things with her last night actually.

oh no what happened?

Well, she was assaulted to some degree in her youth. It made for a very odd sex life with her. It was either normal or she would totally freak out if I touched her. I never knew what I was gonna get with her. Plus she's always broke. Trying to hit me up for money, booze, uber rides. Just got tired of it. I still like her. I just don't want to be with her anymore

. I still like her.


This is the only place where, if you say you like a girl, someone immediately calls you a faggot

ME - That's the bit!

The man is a goddamn moron.

Антони's unrelentingly unaware nog agenda continues.

What's that saying about comparing apples to oranges?

This dude is retarded. The Political Opie.

Yah poking fun at Sarah Sanders's way of doing her job is no different than calling a black man an ape.

Didn't Rush Limbaugh have to apologize for laughing at this comparison... ten years ago?

Yes, O&A did half a show on it. Anthony is stealing jokes now, you see. But it's not his fault, it's the alcoholic dementia.

The problem with the false equivalency of his argument is that Michelle Wolf didn’t call Huckabee a fat pig. If she did, I don’t think she would be supported.

At these dinners, they did make fun of Obama about things. His big ears, his mom jeans, his inability to close can watch them. There were little jabs at him. But yes, just like how Michelle Wolf knew not to make fun of Huckabee’s obesity, no comedian would call Obama a chimpanzee either. It’s common sense

I lean slightly right and I've never thought Obama to be the God that the sycophantic left makes him out to be, but I've always wanted Ant to get his wish and have a chance to debate Obama. Because he's clearly a very bright man and schooled in the art of constructing an argument, unlike Anthony, who is neither. I would pay a shit ton to see Anthony get his ass handed to him and end up blubbering and stuttering and making excuses for how Obama roundly whooped him. Then when the debate was over, they could have them switch sides and Obama could whoop him while arguing for conservative principles. Then in his closing statement tell Anthony that's it's back to obscurity for him.

Obama was handled with kid gloves by everyone in the media.

There was a Curious George joke. A Rush Limbaugh caller made it, and Rush got in trouble for chuckling at it. This was something covered on the O&A show.

To be fair, GWB was also caricatured often as a monkey, because he looked like a monkey.

Bush actually looks like a monkey and was named george.

Obama just has big ears, so it's not really funny.

Ok, so Ant is a douche. By the way... why is it okay for Twitter to just ban for a joke like that. This is getting ridiculous folks