Curious if many of you guys feel the same way as me....

14  2018-05-01 by Detective_Vic_Mackey

So, like many I was a linger longer guy from the Wackbag days of Chester's Liver and enjoyed pest activities and a highlight of dayjob cubicle land was putting on the show.

Loved all three guys. Ant to me was the funniest and quickest and Jim was so funny every day on the show yet I couldn't understand why he wasn't as funny doing stand up. Even my wife said she laughed at Jim on the air but watched "Monster Rain" and felt he was trying to hard and felt "phony". Still we loved Yimmy. As for Opie he was just a "radio guy" and I enjoyed his Opie The Destroyer stuff and look maybe I was just blinded by the fact the show was so good that I accepted him for all his flaws. Knowing he was not a star or anything special but he was our guy on our show so he was ok.

Years go by and now it's like we hardly knew them. On one hand they cultivated the pests and used the pests but now all act like they are above the pests or outgrew US. Opie has revealed himself to be a jealous asshole who could never accept that he didn't become Howard and make it in radio as himself since it was the other guys who did all the heavy lifting. Jim has revealed himself to be a phony worm who has little integrity for a guy who I once believed had it in spades and is now a faggy SJW lite type who would shit down his mother's throat if it meant 3 minutes on the red carpet with a "real" celebrity. Ant just grew angrier and look he was never meant to be the host or the star of the show but rather to be the star from a sidekick position.

So I kinda feel ripped off. Like everything that they presented was fake and as if they want to pretend they are somehow better than us and we are just social miscreants living in the past or something.

It has tainted much of my enjoyment of old segments because that show once was ours and it was the realest thing and the funniest and now it seems these guys were just like every other aspiring celeb in playing a role and despising the audience who made them their fame and fortune off the clock.

I stumbled upon this because of Joe Matarese actually. Because of my hatred of the man personally and I wasn't on Reddit so it just didn't exist so I stumbled here, got to enjoy a little schadenfreude at seeing how low Matarese has gone and kinda feel like I belong among others who are just like me.

We hate Pancakes House and we hate what the guys we once thought so much of have become.

Rock stars who die early get deified and mythologized because by dying too early they got to leave before they got old, burned out or made mistakes.

Jimi Hendrix died before he made a disco record and as a result he remains sort of frozen in amber as this cool guitarist who did little wrong artistically and left many wanting more.

Fuck me but I wish our guys had maybe done the same thing because it sucks to see them as these phonies and assholes who feel they are above us and too good for us when we were the only ones on their side for so many years.

Anyhow, glad to be here and yeah this post probably sucks balls and I am a real shitdick for posting it but unlike Jimmy The Worm; I stand behind it honestly even if it does suck and own it 100%.


Tl dr. Same thing happened with Stern though.

You're right. Too long and instead of deleting it, I own my shame and leave it but I appreciate the fact you gave a response PAST that and I fully agree with you and Stern absolutely fits this to a t.


Look at all the formerly funny comedians who suddenly became huge faggots in the last couple of years; the entertainment world has changed, and they're trying unsuccessfully to change with it. Just look at Jimmy's response to the Luis CK shit, he still thinks that if he can toe the line he can somehow parley his mediocre standup and milquetoast radio show into a successful mainstream career, not realizing that that will never happen due to his grotesque appearance and mannerisms.

Agree with you fully. Yes, I am a massive faggot who "wrote too many words" which thankfully you didn't point out but past that you got what I was meaning and answered it with an insight I was close to but not quite on and yes, I see it perfectly so thanks.

A regular Elliot Rodger over here


Not hardly. Do you think that for real or are you just a "I'm being edgy" guy sort of like Jimmy using Connor Peterson or Susan Smith's kids as a punchline just because he felt the darkness made it funny?

Shit, I shouldn't have even cared enough to respond (if we don't care we ignore so same goes for your initial response) but don't worry about doing so in return because I won't be back for it anyhow.

I meant that you're long winded and ramble

You’re not wrong...but you are one of the many weirdos who gets emotionally attached to shows and thinks you are part of the gang and friends with the hosts. You’re not, and these guys are just trained monkeys there for entertaining you. In return, you give them ratings. That’s it. Don’t get sad about it Sally and write another ten paragraph obituary for a white trash show.

You're right but I am not emotionally attached to the extent you imagined. Just speaking in some generalities of what happens when you listen to talk radio to such an extent that you do feel as if you know them because you observed their conversations in that way.

Anyhow, not sad. Maybe I was bummed to have enjoyed it so much and had more regard for them than they deserved but shame on me for that and yeah I wrote too many words so you're right on that and I own my fuck up with that one.

Needs more words...

Probably not but your 3 made a difference and were actually more clever than your user name so it was worthwhile.


Tldr. Is it still real to you, dammit?

Way too long. I agree and instead of being a faggot who will delete it, I will own up to it and leave it there.