It’s official; Mike Francesca retired from, resigned with, and will start rebroadcasting for WFAN before Westwood One has a press release that they signed Opie.

73  2018-05-01 by 13Czkalyczy

Francesca starts tomorrow at 3pm after screwing everyone else at the station and Westwood One hasn’t even admitted that Opie is doing anything for them.


I hope they make some promotional credit card holders.

It’s like like Opie & Anthony never existed, it’s kinda crazy that they haven’t had many job offers. It’s radio,which is full of hacks & you’d think just based on their past ratings alone, radio stations would be seeking them out regardless of current lame status but they seem allbut forgetter outside of this sub.

Francesa had to come back crawling on his knees begging for half the pay. Radio is dead. There are no jobs any more. Corporations killed it. You need stations that are independently owned or owned by smaller businesses out there fighting for every last listener and dollar and advertisers doing the same thing. That’s where the interesting radio comes from. Instead it’s like you have two or three companies in every market owning every damn station in town. So there’s no competition. And a corporation isn’t gonna take risks with shock jocks. The corporations also bought off the FCC during the Clinton and Bush years. Radio became so regulated that only corporations could benefit from it. No Mom and Pop operation is gonna take the regulation risk of an O&A or Stern. It’s the Walmartization of radio. The radio stations and their advertisers are all owned by risk adverse corporate conglomerates.

Look at Mike & the Mad Dog. They ran Mad Dog off 10 years ago because it would make the show half as expensive. Then 10 years later they ran Mike off and only agreed to take him back when he agreed to be half as expensive as that. They had the #1 ranked show for 30 years. It’s what corporations do.

Yea I guess you’re right, I forgot how much radio has changed & how dead it really is. Just last week out of curiosity I turned on terrestrial one afternoon while cleaning my apartment just to see what’s going on being that listening radio was a huge part of childhood & it was pointless & depressing. I can’t see why anyone with access to the Internet would choose to listen.

They're killing it on purpose. Iheartradio and Cumulus are bankrupt yet they don't sell off any assets.

Meanwhile AM radio has so many frequencies and the same five hosts on all the time.

If local rich guys were able to buy back the stations I bet they would make a nice penny paying people a small salary to have their voices heard over the air a few hours a day.

Corporations/government do not want a variety of voices to be heard.

Imagine someone not beholden to big pharma or monsanto blasting 50 kw out to the masses?

I hate to make a boilerplate libertarian talking point but a lot of it has to do with regulations. There is a high demand for audio content, The growing podcast market shows this. But radio isn't really allowed to experiment or innovate due to all the rules and content laws. And once that happens it only attracts crusty old dumbasses who don't have any interest in trying new shit which is what happens at SXM.

It's also dead because everyone has a smart phone now with blue tooth capabilities or a headphone jack and I can listen to whatever the hell I want to at my convenience.

For the same reason Netflix dominates the market when we have both TV and torrents: people want to have a trusted curator of content to cut down the time having to search for shit.

Having a trusted or source bringing new music you didn't have to search out is something many people would be willing to pay money for. Same with movies and everything else. Those people exist but old media doesn't care about them, except on college radio stations and some rare smaller markets.

That's not true. Maybe you're too young to remember but AM radio used to be filled with great esoteric content that you could tune into and hear many different types of compelling conversations.

There's definitely a market that could be served if these corporate giants would release their grip on that form of communication. The key is and always has been control. The Communications Act of 1996 was the green light to consolidate every form of media under the control of a few beholden to the government officials that allowed it.

SXM is ONE corporation providing many channels but all under control of the entity beholden to the government that allowed them to merge.

See how it works?

That's not true. Maybe you're too young to remember but AM radio used to be filled with great esoteric content that you could tune into and hear many different types of compelling conversations.

... Yeah, that's my point, then it went away and people went looking for it elsewhere. People did not abandon it because they did not have a taste for it, they abandoned it because the radio stations changed. The fact that there are so many successful audio-only resources that people have to pay extra and search for is evidence of this.

See how it works?

Yeah, you gave evidence of extra government control, the industry changing from the inside, and how SXM is unable to operate in that ecosystem due to their own incompetence. How is anything you said contrary to what I said?

But radio isn't really allowed to experiment or innovate due to all the rules and content laws. And once that happens it only attracts crusty old dumbasses who don't have any interest in trying new shit which is what happens at SXM.

There are no "rules and content laws" that keep owners from delivering good content. It's the decision of the ownership entities to not provide this content because the ultimate goal is to destroy the medium.

That's the difference, you blame "government rules maaaan" and I blame "government combined with corporate conglomerates acting together to destroy free speech, maaaan." (True fascism)

My version is much more sinister.

Corporations, maaaaaaaaannnnnn!

Say corporations again.

I wonder what type of Diet Coke and ice cream bonus he got in his contract?

With all the knowledge we have now Opie's only smart play to have some kind of career going forward would have been to quit after Ant got fired and they start an O+A podcast immediately. If that happened O+A might still be a brand that anyone cares about. Of course, you'd also have to convince baby boy autograph slut to quit and join the podcast also. That honestly would probably have been the hardest part. It's true that Opie got some nice paychecks in the few years after Ant was gone but was that worth the absolute destruction of his character (which was already held in very low regard)? He is a laughing stock with a serious credibility problem. And if he lied about Westwood One? What the fuck? I then must assume he wants to be completely blackballed from an industry that already didn't give much of a shit about him in the first place.

does Westwood one have a twitter account? surely one of you freaks has gotten a response from them regarding this delusional homeless guy that thinks he has a show coming up on their network.

re-signed, not resigned.

Oh thank goodness for the correction. The amazing thing about English, part of why it is a living language, is the ability for people to read words and apply them to context and get the meaning. Your contribution to this living document and historical artifact is greatly appreciated.

Please note that your correction should read

Re-signed, not resigned.

Had you left off the period and not attempted to make your fragment a sentence, you could have avoided the capitalization of re-signed.

Commonality of language

Listen, I'm coming back, ok? I was tired of having to go to the store and get my own Diet Coke, ok? Why would I go all the way to the store, wait in line, and pay for my Diet Coke when I can sit on my fat ass and have a intern bring me a free Diet Coke, ok?