Dave Landau is the "3rd mic" for the AA show.

80  2018-04-30 by aRTie02150

This is announced as Artie isn't there. Ha.



images following the big announcement.

You can take a million screengrabs and you will never find one where Anthony accidentally looks good.

which one is dave landau

Who's the budget Matarese next to Ant?

Mike Feeney




It's Mike Cannon. He's pretty funny.

Matarese is already a budget Matarese

Which one is he?

People pay money for that

I'm convinced that Ant really is a reptilian. Fucking iguana faced idiot.

How come the hair is back in the front of his head? It wasn't there is Disney

Once Artie goes off to con college maybe Dave will be Ants new co-host.

I still have no idea who the fuck Dave Landau is.

He's the new cohost of Crumbling Empire Media

Why not Crumbling Umpire Media? Because CUM. GET IT?

Cum Town rules

oh yeah, so crumbling. fuck off redbar.


While you are correct that his "network" is crumbling. There would need to have been an empire in the first place for the rest to be accurate

He’s some faggot Michigan is ashamed of.


Compound Media guests and hosts:

2014: Huh, Ant got him?

2016: I thought he was dead.

2018: Who??

2018: Who??

I read this in Dark Helmet's voice.

Ant certainly wouldn't. Boy does he hate Spaceballs

Where did these people go? I miss them.

I haven't seen Spaceballs but if Derosa likes it so much it must be garbage.

Also Joe's comedy cellar table character he always does on every show, where he acts exaggerated like everything a person likes is stupid, gets old really quick. It's never witty, just Joe sounding angry and entitled.

That's why I hate when Joe is there for Jocktober. Does the same thing. It's like having two Opies in the studio.

2019: Yakov Smirnoff 2020: Louis Anderson 2021: All female reboot. 2022: Subscriber exodus. 2023: Anthony moves to twitch, wears short shorts and writes donor names on erase board while bending all the way over. 2024: 4th and 5th mic added, potatoes placed in front of each. Ant randomly laughs at nothing and compliments the potatoes.

No way Anthony is alive in 2019

Ant twitch streaming would be a fucking spectacle

trihard7 in the chat

Id be torn between xqc and watching an old man die of wetbrain

Well then you're absolutely awful at you public relations job.

Remember when Gavin had the most popular show on Compound Media and Keith called the Proud Boys a gay organization?

It's okay buddy Westwood_OnePR doesn't know who Opie is either.

Well, he wasn't wrong.

Wow I wonder how much of his dwindling subscriber base plummeted after Gavin left.

Only time I had slight respect for Keith.

I still have no idea who the fuck Dave Landau is.

Aside from Artie (and LoS if they count), I'd never heard of anyone Ant hired until Ant hired them.

Every time I look at his miserable clusterfuck of a lineup I just assume these are people he met on Red Eye, and that they all considered themselves extraordinary lucky to have landed an appearance on Red Eye.

Whenever I see one of these names for the first time, I picture them not 3 years ago getting back to the hotel and running to the phone to call their mom. "MOM! SORRY TO WAKE YOU UP BUT DO YOU KNOW WHO I WAS JUST OUT DRINKING WITH? ANN COULTER! ANN FUCKING COULTER!!!! OH MY GOD IT'S HAPPENING"

If he were given private time with the animatronic Anthony head, a passionate mouth-fucking session would take place.

I saw Dave Landau or whatever his name is on one of the latest YKWD podcasts and he's both humorless and dull so will match Tranpa perfectly.


So is his wife.

Some unfunny open mic-er. Tr 🐜 told Keith the chuck that he and landau had dat chemistree.

Prepping Artie’s departure already. Come to think about it, I called out of work sick today. I had a crazy weekend, fucked some hot married lady and the girl who cuts my hair all in the same day, the hair girl has a bf too. In any case, I woke up this morning feeling kinda bla and haven’t called in sick in months so I said fuck it. I was feeling a little guilty about it. Until, I thought about how many times that fat fuck called out of a 2 hour a day job and gets paid triple what I do.

who is that?


kicks Bobo in the ribs

Has anyone actually kept a tally of Artie's absences and lateness?

Way too many to still have the job. No respect I tell ya.

What’s up dude, you writing any paragraphs today?

Let's knock off early today

You have to come in to knock off early.

Weren't you threatening to shut this sub down for hate speech? Why are you here? BACK TO OBSCURITY WITH YOU!

Why are you here. Why did you give yourself your own nickname?

For real you are such a whiny bitch

Tough talk from an alt-right wannabe who posts in SquaredCircle.

You're a grown man who watches WWE. Oh no. What are you going to call me next? A jobber?

I didn't, faggot. I was given my nickname by my old program director Jeff Sanders when I worked for Beasley. You see...I have actually managed to be employed in radio before without dick riding a woman-abusing creep with a tween and gun fetish.

Oh now you're going to pretend you weren't an O&A dickrider for years? Nerve if this fuckin guy.


Wait, I thought Ant said he could do solo shows?

MY RESPONSE: He needs his guys!

I hope this catches on.

ME REPLYING TO YOU: s'gonna go fawking viral

Dave Landau has been doing radio for less than a year and he is co-hosting a show with 2 legends of radio. Sam Roberts suicide when?

Two legends of radio at the peak of their success, no less!


He is very funny. Great add..

He is objectively hilarious. Even his stand up is funny. He's not famous because he's a doughy short white guy from the midwest with a Mohawk and band tshirts. It was a great hire. Check him out on ykwd, Versi and Bobby are losing their shit the whole time.


I think he's funny.

Shut up Dave.

We know Dave. You’re posting everywhere you can how great you think you are


Did anyone really have their hopes up?

It's not like it was ever insinuated to address much. Ant tries to pump it up because on some level he knows people have held out hope for Jimmy or someone on his level for years. Obviously that was never going to happen because it's 3rd and he'd have to pay them as much as Artie. Or in other words, he'd have to get rid of Artie and just not have a 3rd.

"Hey everyone, big news! 3rd mic coming!" was never any more exciting than "Hey everyone, big news! We're repainting the studio!"

This is depressing, yet appropriate. Anthony is now forced to do radio with an unfunny fag with a mohawk.

Third mic for a turd of a show.

Turd?!? Turd?!?

So they timed it specifically so everyone would think it's DiPalo and then followed that with a nobody who will show up on time every day?

In my opinion Keith repeatedly doing this makes people excited then angry so it ends up being more off putting than good advertisement. I would have resubscribed for them two plus Nick.

Anthony is a pedophile so if Keith's management is your concern then that's really on you.

I never thought I'd see someone defending Keith's management abilities.

It's less a defense of Keith and more of an indictment on the kind of fag who actually finds Anthony entertaining.

Anyone who subscribes to that kid fucker's podcast is garbage.

He was hilarious and now he's fucking awful

/r/DaveLandau is on fire with this news.

I love it.

I don't want to go to either of those places

🐜 is probably a pedofile but Keith is definitely a shitty manager. What’s your point?

I made my point you non reading faggot.

I just want to hear myself talk.

For the same price as netflix with Sandler, Chappelle, Ricky Gervais, Chris Rock you can get 8 hours a week of Dave Landau in front of a green screen

Christ, that's depressing.

For the same price as netflix with Sandler, Chappelle, Ricky Gervais, Chris Rock you can get 8 hours a week of Dave Landau in front of a green screen

For the same price as netflix with Sandler, Chappelle, Ricky Gervais, Chris Rock you can get 8 hours a week of Dave Landau in front of a green screen

For the same price as netflix with Sandler, Chappelle, Ricky Gervais, Chris Rock you can get 8 hours a week of Dave Landau in front of a green screen



I've said it before but you guys will have so much egg on your face when the subscriptions go through the roo....zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

That fat guy?

No, the other one

The 40 year old new comic with a Mohican?

Hell yeah I called it

This could actually be good. As much as everyone shits on compound media here I think ant and landau have great chemistry and landau can keep ant from ranting about nig nogs and politics.

Artie does that already. Ant only does that on the times Artie is high or in court.


I don’t think anything will change until Ant changes.

Ant isn’t without innate talent, but he just can’t get himself under control. He’s a lifelong, hopeless alcoholic who treats the show he owns as a “show up, get out as soon as possible" type gig. He leaves the day to day functions to a cop with zero experience because he doesn’t care. All this addict wants to do is drink and tweet.

Artie is a worthless drag, but by himself won’t break the show. Similarly, Dave Landau (whoever that is) could be amazing, but won’t make the show. The making or breaking depends on Ant, and he has shown over the last four years to be a crummy, lazy host and businessman.

I can't wait for artie to leave forcing Anthony the name to "Ant and Dave Landau show." then artie dying one week later and and no one ever mentions he was on Anthony's show


An irrelevant man for an irrelevant show.

Guess Tranpa can't get a better team together when he can only afford to pay people $100 per podcast.

The top comment in the AA Show thread is about how the sound is fucked up. Apparently Landau paddled out to a sinking surfboard and hopped on

No distress signal had been sent

This is great. Between Anthony's woman beating and Artie's heroin addiction Dave Landau is the only person allowed on Siriusxm to promote.

When they signed Artie they jacked up the subscription price. For Landau they should've actually slashed it by a healthy percent. There should be an automatic, lowered ceiling on what should reasonably be charged for any platform that hires such nonentity hosts.

lowered ceilings, like in joe rogans home

Kevin Brennan, comment?

So he's going to fly back an forth from Detroit every day? He has a family in Detroit and hes broke

He ghosted his wife.

He should. She’s fat

So the guy is an open mic comic in like Detroit. Is tr 🐜 going to let he and his fat wife move into the compound? Surely he won't make enough money to move near NYC.

Who is what now?

The NYC studio finally paid off and brought in one of the big fish from the celebrity G list.

Please tell me that they are going to have him on over Skype everyday.

That would really be the icicng on the cake.

Dave is a funny bastard. If its Dave and Ant with no other guests they can get on a roll like Ant used to do with Norton.

Fuck off he's awful.

I don't know who Dave Landeu is, but I agree with this guy.

I was calling Opie as the upset.

It's kind of fitting. You now have a recovering, current and future drug addict hosting the show. Ant took the AA theme literal. I hope they all die soon.

Kevin Brennan's gonna kill himself over this. Maybe Berg, too.

Dave's IMDB describes him as a "true comedic juggernaut".

And the crowd goes mild.

But seriously, that tubby tool is both unfunny and now overly-employed.

Would have rather they got Martin Landau.

Back home to The Woppiest Place On Earth

Dave Landau is Colin Kane, but 80% less funny.



Only the big stars for the crypt keeper!

He’s actually funny af if you guys haven’t heard him.

He’s not

Dave Landau's stand up is pretty good. I've never heard him on a talk show.

You should hear him on a recent You Know What Dude podcast with Bobby Kelly. AIDS cancer.

And I still feel NO URGE to even consider subscribing to Tranthony's horseshit "network".

This Dave Landau's face reminds me of a younger gayer Alex Jones

Congrats to Dave for landing a second job. Tough to get by as a part time busboy at Red Lobster.

It needs to be reiterated that Compound is in NYC, one of the two media and entertainment capitols of the U.S., where tons of huge stars live. And I think people have said that the studio is within blocks of other big media outlets that book big celebrities all the time.

I don't think I had previously heard of any of the other hosts they've hired besides Artie, and the same goes for 99% of their short, rotating list of mediocre guests.

If Ant had moved to Texas after he got fired (as he has occasionally talked about doing) for the lower taxes, fewer gun laws, and warmer weather, started his podcast there, and still insisted on in-person guests so that almost all he could book is unknown traveling comics playing some club in Dallas or Houston or wherever he had moved to, this show would look absolutely the same.


Keith's a fucking idiot. Teased it just as Nick got fired...got all the compound truckers and sanitation workers excited, then...Dave Landau.

the guy who directed ware wolf's in london wtf?

In my opinion Keith repeatedly doing this makes people excited then angry so it ends up being more off putting than good advertisement. I would have resubscribed for them two plus Nick.

Way too many to still have the job. No respect I tell ya.

For the same price as netflix with Sandler, Chappelle, Ricky Gervais, Chris Rock you can get 8 hours a week of Dave Landau in front of a green screen

For the same price as netflix with Sandler, Chappelle, Ricky Gervais, Chris Rock you can get 8 hours a week of Dave Landau in front of a green screen

For the same price as netflix with Sandler, Chappelle, Ricky Gervais, Chris Rock you can get 8 hours a week of Dave Landau in front of a green screen

For the same price as netflix with Sandler, Chappelle, Ricky Gervais, Chris Rock you can get 8 hours a week of Dave Landau in front of a green screen