We should hold a comedian to the same standards as the president!

39  2018-04-30 by drakenthegreat


The linked tweet was tweeted by @AnthonyCumiacm on Apr 30, 2018 16:41:04 UTC (1 Retweets | 21 Favorites)

And he’s been called out and crucified on in at every turn. People have demanded his impeachment because of insults he’s hurled.

Now an angry woman disguised as a comic is catching shit for her comments.

Seems fair enough to me. https://twitter.com/WalshFreedom/status/990570045536374786

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Fuck you

Fuck you

Good for you, bot, you don’t take no shit offa nobody!

That's really mean. I'm going to kill myself now and it's all because of you.

Ants gone full retard recently. He toes the rights line fully now. He even dabbled in Catholic pro life shit the other day.

Its like his brain can't think for itself anymore so its easier to go along with what his 'team' say rather than have independent thought.


To be fair, beating up your girlfriend and getting your guns taken away IS a traditional southern value.

Who needs a girl who can't take a few hooks when you're down at the poker table?

He even dabbled in Catholic pro life shit the other day

please let there be a link

Was one of the tweets about that kid in England who's brain had turned to mush. Can't be fucked scrolling 200 tweets. It was likely only Saturday.

Up until the mother had the baby she had the decision to end the life but once the kid is living the government eventually tells her she has to pull the plug. It’s just bizarre to me when I saw it spelled out this way and I know the poor little kid wasn’t going to make it anyways but I can’t imagine how hard that must be for a parent to watch their infant child die.

No winners either way but the other option was Catholic hospitals in Italy at great cost that would just keep the kid artificially alive. But even they said it wasn't safe to transport the kid. Then the right in America jumped in to frame it to their own political points of view on healthcare etc.

The algos that run the social media nowadays are so good at manipulating people that the feeble minded minorities like Anthony have absolutely no chance anymore.

He got hammered and followed the youtube video recommendation black hole one too many times to have any grasp on reality.

And I bet you're so different coming from the other direction

I have never voted as I like some of the left stuff and some of the right stuff Both sides disagree with things I agree with.

So yeah I guess.

This often happens to be people who are absolutely obsessed and addicted to social media where they have their views validated for themselves over and over in an echo chamber.

This man is just a fucking retard at this point.

No, no, ib odly aboud DWELVE BERCENT retarded AWRIGHT

"What now, Prime Rib?!"

I guess his point is that they are held to the same standard? What the fuck is his point

His point is dementia

His entire career has been defending comedians, without exception, for their ability to make whatever heinous jokes they want. Now a comedian makes an innocuous appearance joke that doesn't align with his politics and he's saying she should be impeached. This is actually sad. He doesn't know who he is anymore.


Hey, he's just blindly defending Mike Huckabee's daughter because she's Republican! It's not like he never cared about free speech unless it applied to him and his career!

And her appearance is mocked by the left only because she is a Republican.

the downvotes on this


it's probably more something like she's part of the group who happily encourage others to be punished by firing who then goes up and uses the same attack humor that that group disallows, but it's OK in her case and she doesn't need to be fired/mob attacked/media slandered because she's on that side

What did she say that would offend everyone on the left if the tables were turned? You're just as much a slave to that contrarian bullshit as Ant is.


i'm afraid you can't be helped

You're right, Ant isn't playing a contrarian when he blows up every ideal he held his entire radio career for some retard nepotistic politician, he's just a wet brained retard hypocrite. Keep acting like we're all leftist invaders or victims of "the Jewish culture" and not just mocking Ant for being a retard. You don't know my politics because I don't broadcast my political ideology 24/7.

/u/deep_legal_shit , palaver?

in no way did he counter my observation with any validity besides relying on buzzwords, empty generalizations, and name calling

You didn't even make an observation, retard.

You don't know my politics because I don't broadcast my political ideology 24/7.

yeah you just distill it into extremely unfunny comments and threads

Actually I think he objects to the double standard, which absolutely exists. If a right winger got up the and mocked a fat lady for her appearance, can you imagine the howls of outrage? Both sides are full of shit at the end of the day.

Fun fact, Wolf didn't mock her appearance.

shill more cuck mongrel

how outrageous to think that sarah huckabee sanders lies to the american people - how is this comedy?

At this point it’s no stretch to say she’s funnier than him.

Are we including unintentional humor in this? Because if so, Anthony is still the King of Comedy. Him mouthing "shit" as he exits court, "where is my fucking gun?!", the list goes on. This is the golden age of Anthony Cumia humor.

I think tranpa tweets so much because he is always biting a pillow. Why else would he live on twitter?

the amount of cucks and mulattos on this sub who are unironically offended by DRUMPF is a fucking disgrace

Everyone is super offended by Trump and not by Ant being an annoying hyperpartisan faggot. You're so right.


Just look at yourself



The left and the right are easily offended faggots.

Because politics are about power and only about power. It all makes sense that way. Feelings, offense, equality, justice, none of that matters and has never mattered. That's just the cosmetic details that lump power-seeking groups together.

He said he’s glad that she’s getting shit for her comments. I know defending Ant gets you killed around here, but is there another tweet somewhere else where he calls for her to be censored or fired or something? Because there’s really nothing wrong with this one, other than the fact he needs to do something funny instead.

When they called Obama every name in the book and his wife a man looking monkey it was all a joke guis, shitty hypocrites

Does this old faggot ever even attempt to be funny anymore?

It's mind boggling how awful he is nowadays.

Did you hear his one about how certain bites of sandwiches are more enjoyable than other bites? 😂 😂

Wet brain syndrome. We should contact M and get power of attorney over Ant.

how could Anthony possibly be upset over this? Considering the shit they've said and the people they've had on air over the years.

he's so soft now wtf happened

Him and his ballwashers are the biggest hypocritical pieces of shit on the planet.


/u/deep_legal_shit , palaver?

You don't know my politics because I don't broadcast my political ideology 24/7.

yeah you just distill it into extremely unfunny comments and threads

Good for you, bot, you don’t take no shit offa nobody!

That's really mean. I'm going to kill myself now and it's all because of you.