Why do the Kumiyas so like to defend this man?

22  2018-04-29 by RBuddCumia


Can we get a list going to keep note of all his pointless hashtags?

Those are goin on a SHIRT, bruthamannnnnn

They live by that old negro axiom: Bros before Hoes.


You tell ‘em Chip

Jesus Christ he's retarded. You couldn't even do a tox screen if it happened a week ago, depending on the drug used.

Because Joe beat his wife with a frying pan and got in trouble with the law, and Anthony went to jail and lost his guns for beating a woman, biting her, strangling her, and kicking her until he broke her rib.

Well to be fair, those ribs were like a sparrow's ribs.

They were asking to be broken just like women who dress sexy are asking to be raped.

You can't judge people for their old actions or convict them of multiple felonies.

It's more of a bubblewrap sort of thing.

Tss, yeah, cause once you pop one you just gotta pop some more, poor little mug MUSTA BEEN SO SCARED WHEN ANTHONY BATTERED HER

He's such a special type of retarded.

Nice synonyms, stupid

There's no toxicology report because it happened 15 fucking years ago, retard. Also, Cosby admitted it in deposition testimony. Joe Cumia is the least intelligent man on earth.


Joe Cumia is unfamiliar with the discovery phase of a criminal trial? Shocking...

Shitbirds like Bro Joe are exactly why prosecutors are reluctant to take even the most egregious cases to trial. There’s always the risk of a mongoloid like Joe interjecting his own personal ideas of justice into the investigation, resulting in a hung jury

Because he told young black youths to pull up the pants & to speak proper english, so that made him a hero to people like the Cumia’s for some bizarre reason.

Yeah, I mean, Cosby turned out to just be your typical rape ape. I don't see why anyone is surprised.

Yea I never liked him, especially after he started lecturing people about morality like there is a set standard for everyone, when it’s a known fact that morality is a subjective, not one size fits all. Anyone who acts all high & mighty usually is a completely creep & he proved the old stereotype right, just like all the Evangelist who preach a rigid set of standards to live by but they are complete monsters & sexual predators in real life.

This person is so lazy they can't even be bothered to type the word 'with'.

Won't type "with," will type "circumstantial." Cumias gonna Cum

People in the same age and ethnicity demographics tend to empathize with each other more.

Nice double-blind study, stupid

Joe is like a failed Harvey Birdman character.

Detective Velcro Shoes is on the case

He molested/raped women for many years, but it's the drugging that dummy has a problem with? You really can't make this shit up. It's hard to believe people can be this stupid

They were lynched with far less evidence in the past (but still obviously guilty).

Monumental moron

"I dont care that he raped them, but DRUGGED THEM?"

i mean if these bitches are going up to cosbys room to fuck him anyway, does it matter if they were awake for it?

Cosby forced her into a codeine overdose!


Racial solidarity.

He's right certain type of rohypnol stay in your system for 20 years and can be detected threw certain test. I believe they should conduct the test to insure the validity of the statements made by the victim thats in line with penile code 334 which states any victim that has a huge peckah should rub that lil mug till it starts feeling real good

Go Gifted, keep on gifting.

who bumped dis shit??

You can't judge people for their old actions or convict them of multiple felonies.

It's more of a bubblewrap sort of thing.