So is there anyone on this sub who is not embarrassing?

24  2018-04-29 by RBuddCumia

I’m a relatively good looking guy who’s fairly normal besides my misplaced attention to three elderly radio jocks. Are any of you “online terrorists” not embarrassing? Because as for now, Brother Blow has a point on us not being the most grounded and attractive bunch, but who is he to judge?


That's impossible by default.

I'm a 29 year old virgin with the social skills of a ferret and I am not even a fat mess. So don't look at me.

Like any woman you’ve ever meant; we won’t.

Nice met , stupid

Damn, that's brave to admit.

No mirrors in my crate underneath the stairs, so I’m going with “dashing and husky”

Yes, hello? My name is Awesomedude McCoolguy and YOUR sub is full of ugly degenerate slimeballs!

Sir, there are respectable and good looking members too.



Seriously, this guy is so insecure when he reads comments about everyone here being a fat dweeb that he had to let everyone know he's kind of cool.

Nice lack of confidence, stupid.

You couldn’t spot me in a crowd, bruthaman.

Bruthaman bruthaman!

Bruthaman bruthaman!

I've become an antisocial alcoholic and I'm broke, but I can turn on the charm when necessary.


My wife says I'm embarrassing. On the bright side, she doesn't try to talk me into going to stupid places anymore. Apparently scratching my nuts in public was a great idea


You think everyone is a mess on this sub besides you?

Have you got some sort of evidence to the contrary?

I don’t know, just myself I guess & I never thought of Opie & Anthony fans as all obese ugly virgins but maybe I’m wrong & im just an anomaly.

I’m just asking the questions. R Budd Ventura

Well I’m self employed & make a decent enough living to own my apartment in lower Manhattan. Also without sounding like a complete douche, I’m told I’m pretty handsome even by random woman on the street occasionally & I imagine there’s others like me who are former O&A fans. That’s not to say I don’t have issues or I’m not embarrassing in other ways but definitely not when it comes to money & women.

enjoy your success

You know where to get Ludes?

Bill Cosby?

BC says do it again:

Lol…I love that.

I mean I WAS good looking until I lost a lot of my hair now at 26. So I have to pull a Fred Durst and wear a hat everywhere. But give me half a year with Rogaine and I’ll be back to fucking 1-2 hot babes every year for a week before they realize I have very little going on besides a decent face and nice piece. Fucking hair dude, I’ll make or break some of us

Nice Male pattern baldness, Stupid.

Wearing baseball cap right now for this very reason

I have irritable bowel syndrome

I'm extremely unremarkable in every way.

We are slow learners and we’re not particularly good listerners.

I have a weakness for sweets.

We are also slow learners.

I'm not bad.

For a Norge

While you were talking to girls, I studied the blade. While you were doing homework, I studied the blade. While you were hanging out with friends, I studied the blade.

Then I cut off my nipple accidently and my mom beat me so bad I had to go to the hospital and then my family chained me up in the basement were I live to this day.

A blade story as old as blade time


I'm good looking but I have some mental deficiencies

I am a fat loser with no prospects in life and crippling depression. So I would say I am in the upper echelons of this sub.

Im a total loser but i dont watch anime and i dont have acne


So far I've won 8 Nobel Prizes and 1 AVN Award. Jealous, haters?

Anyone who makes posts like this is a tremendous faggot.

With that said, let’s get back to circlejerking

Shut up faggot.

Was an airline pilot 10 years. Hated it. Just no called no showed one day. Got fired with severance. Bought real estate while I was flying. I’m handy and have a lot of tools. Started managing other people’s rental property. Pretty normal life. Engaged. I have an in ground pool but no velociraptor or creepy movie theater. I’m not fat and my house doesn’t have a basement.

I was flying an airplane the other day and my sic could not understand why I kept saying “whassat?” every time atc would contact another plane on frequency who went by the call sign “chipper two three.”

What airline is Chipper?

I have no what he was flying but he was general aviation, not an airline and communicating with Atlanta.

Atlanta Center? Flight following maybe? I miss VFR flying. What are you on?

Yeah, we were a 182 out of Tallahassee flying ifr to Knoxville that day but it wasn’t ifr conditions over Atlanta so we heard a lot of flight following out of Atlanta center. Still building hours to get on some bigger planes myself right now though. What’d you fly?

I rent a cub from time to time. I sit right seat in my buddies citation when he needs a hand. I flew Saab 340’s, embraer 145’s, CRJ 200s, and my last plane was embraer 175. I was captain on all of them except the Saab. Just regional airlines. I hated the life so I just didn’t show up one day.

Disregard my question on your other response then....

I hear it’s much better now with the pilot shortage. I’m never going back though. I work like 25 hours a week now and way better money.

Yeah, I’ve heard some good and bad stories..... seems like the pay is decent these days even for regionals but your schedule and traveling to base airport can really suck a lot of your time up.... not sure if I want to bother with airlines later or just try to find a corporate job..... or just give up flying all together and fuck ladyboys at Disney world.

I was at miserable old “Brickyard” in the E175

What got to you so much that you just ghosted it?

My mom says I’m cool 😂

I coulda been a fawkin model

Let's just say certain people on this sub are doing some shit you wouldn't believe.

We’re slow learners and we’re not particularly good listeners

I was flying an airplane the other day and my sic could not understand why I kept saying “whassat?” every time atc would contact another plane on frequency who went by the call sign “chipper two three.”

It was rough back then with pay and work rules. I also hate hotels.

Corporate can be a great job. My friend has a type rating in all the gulfstreams. That guy has a great life. He’s also single and gay if you’re interested. No tits though.

I don’t know, just myself I guess & I never thought of Opie & Anthony fans as all obese ugly virgins but maybe I’m wrong & im just an anomaly.