Bobo the hypocritical retard

14  2018-04-29 by acountnumer666


I’m pretty sure him and his entire family receive ample checks from the government. He begs online for money. Wtf has happened to our country is right.

He admitted to Dr Lydia that he gets retard checks from the government then quickly snapped out of retard mode to tell her he was uncomfortable talking about that, alwroight.

Nuh, nuh, nah, Ib dot, no Ib dot goinggin ta dat rite now AWRITE

That's when you need Sam to call out his lies

I love bobo

Do you love me? Will you be my waifu?

Did you just say, “anime is good”?


yea right afta i suck a buncha peckahs

if this person notices that you get less sustanance from expending 40hrs/week energy, than you would doing nothing... who's the dick'ed??

Really. If the best you can do busting your ass day in and day out is a bottle of barbeque sauce and a raw potato then it's time you step in front of a bus.

barbeque sauce and a raw potato

I'd grill it with a sprinkle of cocaine, I know it's not exactly on cheeseburgers, but it'd make do.

Dis guy got FATTER dying of opioid addiction asumptin, tss

What are all those silver boxes cream cheese? This person has a shit diet.

Yeah, that's likev14 boxes of cream cheese and 6 dozen eggs. Is this Erock's fridge?

I don’t accept the argument that rich people ‘contribute nothing.’ Most of the,m invest their wealth in the stock market, which benefits society and the economy, because the stock market is the most efficient and easiest way for companies and entire industries to raise capital.

The alternative is for the government to forcefully requisition their wealth. And to that I say, first of all, I don’t like the idea of given the government that power. Secondly, I don’t trust the government’s ability to distribute that capital to where it needs to go. Look at the history of planned economies like the Soviet Union. Third, actions like that only cause wealth to be hidden, hoarded, and sent out of the country.

If a rich person has a lot of money, I would rather they invest it in a factory or something so that factory can employ me, than for the government to take their money and give me a cut.

And now a retarded rebuttal from apropros and sicboy69:

You okay man, I thought we where just going to make fun of a retard

It all depends on how selfish you think rich people should be allowed to be with their wealth.

Are you a hardcore libertarian who thinks that rich people should be allowed to do anything unhindered by any government in order to make more money, or are you not a sociopath who has at least a thimbleful of empathy for less fortunate people?

we are all strawmen examples of your worst political nightmares.


It's funny because sooooooo many people in the first category are poor white trash who the right routinely trick into voting against their own interest.

I know, it's hilarious. They have some sort of fantasy that if the government and all its restrictions are done away with, then finally they'll be able to rise to the top of society with their innate skills or whatever - but in actual fact, in the government and the whole state apparatus was gone, those people would continue to be fucked over and exploited by the rich just like they are now, only worse because there's no government or laws to be held accountable to.

It's a sad, male power fantasy, that ancap libertarianism - explains why there are so few women in the movement.

What gave you the impression that I’m all about wealth distribution? I make decent money, enough to own a place in nyc & I don’t wanna share a penny of it with any of you bums out there. My only cause that I feel strongly about, is putting pressure on Reddit to eliminate Alt accounts, everyone should have one account & no more.

They already do have that power. Also, all I need to do is see who works at most government agencies and realize they need less money.

They invest it in tax scams and offshore accounts, stupid

Yet liberals think higher income taxes is how to get more money from the wealthy. It just creates a greater and greater incentive to ship it offshore, to tax shelters, or shift income to capital gains and business tax which is far lower.

You could lower tax and get far more tax revenue out of these people. Especially if they reinvest it locally as that will generate property tax, thousands of new jobs (each individually income taxed and sales taxed on consumption), etc, etc.

I wish basic supply side economics was taught to kids in classrooms as much as tax/spend social programs are.

You okay man, I thought we where just going to make fun of a retard

Scammers be scamming

If you refrigerate raw potatoes, you don't deserve to eat.

Bobo's in his late 30s and has yet to have a full-time job. Loading that fridge with food would be the hardest day's labor he's ever done.

Didn't he work at UPS for a while?

Also at one point he worked for MATE-TIN-ENCE

Not full time

he's literally a retard and he's working what do you want from him?

Bobo is a high school graduate which puts him above Anthony, Jim and Vos. On his first appearance he said he planned on going to college and later mentioned "acing" most of the regents exams. He's not a retard, it's just the angle he milks to get free shit. O&A were his biggest enablers - they got him free tickets, free invites and free radio attention. And the radio fame was his excuse for not doing anything with his life for the last 10 years. Now that his mother's near-death finally motivated him to stack boxes part time he's beyond criticism?

He’s clearly incredibly retarded and cannot function on his own. How many times did he get catfished for his passwords?

Do you think he lacks the mental capacity to not give passwords out? Or does he know better but does so anyway because getting free things is what he expects from everyone?

I think he is very retarded and needs help from society when his mom dies. Sorry?

Some people just can't be happy unless they know that retards like bobo have as shitty lives as humanly possible. What happened in your life that you begrudge bobo, of all people, getting retard bucks from the government?

This post is a tweet by Bobo complaning about people getting "retard bucks", so ask him.

Oh, also my friend's brother with down syndrome who's not even a functional human "graduated" high school and "went to college" so your point about him not being an actual retard is retarded.

Bobo's a social tard but not enough to be unable to work. Fucker should be stocking shelves and contribute to his shithole household.

Meanwhile his sister has just left Switzerland for her next adventure.


Tss, what about youth in AMERICA

did someone say what's up with youths? FELDOG ACTIVATE!!!

and you people hate me because I wish violence on this fucker

If you do, then we are battle brothers.

I'd love to dimple his skull with a clawhammer.

Yeah we're da fawkin Battlin Triplets asumptin, we find poor little retarded mugs and bash their fawkin brains in! Tsss! We're fawkin outlaw biker criminals asumptin!

I cannot believe a person would really buy that many dairy products at one time.

I've discovered that the poor retard christians who vote the conservative line despite having absolutely no reason to, and no money, will often 'buy in bulk' (obvious Jew tactics, completely unmentioned) and if they offer you something, it will likely be expired, but they will tell you 'oh, don't worry, it's a little past the expiration date, but it won't hurtcha.'

What kind of shit life do you lead?

Spot on.

Figures. He looks like the sort of cunt that thinks Nandos is decent.

I don't know what that is and so I can only assume you are a violent spaniard. We missed you, sweety.

lol @ Hungry Bobo

Stream of conciousness from the Bobo

No one with food stamps is purchasing Almond Breeze. There is also something eerie about 14 packages of cream cheese.

Not it you like cheesecake

My Family was on government assistance growing up, we ate frozen pizzas, rice, cereal, bread and my Mother would make homemade soup and pasta and we lived in a one bedroom apartment.

Also, no one's fridge looks like the one on the left. Even an upper middle class family of 5 wouldn't have 14 blocks of cream cheese.

Looks like the stocked fridge at a tech company I worked for. Makes sense if lots people eat bagels...the secretary girl who stocked it always shopped at Costco and bought bulk. Definitely not any family fridge.

Who buys six different kinds of almond milk?

poor hard working americans. If only there was a place that served calorie packed burgers for $1. Im literally starving over here!

Yeah, that's likev14 boxes of cream cheese and 6 dozen eggs. Is this Erock's fridge?