Hey are we still allowed to post on this forum that the mod's own and we are simply unwanted intruders, mere lowly guests and observers?

0  2018-04-29 by Eianara

I just wondered because I noticed Space Edge saying it was his forum so I was just asking are we allowed to look at any threads that get posted or should we avert our eyes until you bless us with your all-mighty permission?

Haha not criticising dude! I mean you're the most fair and noble Emperor-God-King around, please don't ban me! I was just wondering if we're allowed to use the words/names "O<<<" or "A******" because I know you own the words and all, gee it must sure be great being the almighty Ruler and Lord-Suprememan of the sub-reddit, gosh I wish I was too. And can I still listen to the old shows or is that not allowed as well? Ah man, well one day maybe! I sure am sorry for listening before against your Ultimate Will and Power.

Well, anyway, Heil Space Edge and all! My one and only Lord and Saviour in Reddit and in Heaven, Amen!

*This will be removed because the mods are huge babies that can't take any criticism or different viewpoints and think they get to police everything while letting someone spam 1,000 bullshit comments in every other thread. #SAD!


Forgot your autism shots?

Off you fuck to never post here again?