0  2018-04-28 by detroitjerkoff


Wholly shit indeed.

your podcast sucks dude, just give it up

Definitely not my podcast. I'm a shop rat welder. Can barely use my phone

SaiyanZ Material Must go

It's hard to tell the difference

Who ever donates to this mush mouthed loser deserves cancer.

So Linda Miller? Nature would be doing her a favor rotting off that snotbox.

Ew that giant nosed slob likes this faggot? I can't say I'm shocked.

No thanks

I genuinely thought we were over posting this douchebag.

Let's not do this again.

I don't watch vids with year and a half long intros.


Logo displays, theme music plays.

Theme music ends, logo disappears.

Another logo displays followed by different theme music.

Theme feels over but...

Another logo and the second theme song intermixed with lots of shots of someone practicing guitar.

Why won't this fucking logo go away?

When is the goddamn intro over for fuck's sake?!

Shitty robot voice at 1 millionth the volume of the shitty theme song. I'm not bothering to adjust my volume.

Screw it. I'm out. Fuck this entire channel.

Cut that shit intro into 16ths and throw 15 of them away.


I don't really get these youtube wars, or why these idiots are so willing to make complete fools of themselves. Thanks for not clearing that up. I can always count on you guys