This sub is losing all of their top content creators because of harsh moderation decisions.

109  2018-04-28 by I_Hate_Knickers_Prix

That's right. I said content creators.


Once we lose that autistic guy who makes the Microsoft Paint doodles and the black chick with the meatloaf vagina, we are finished.

We're like the Japanese, elderly and without enough children to sustain us/wipe our anuses.

Oy vey, you need to import some normies into this place, goyim. It's The Only Way™.

Do we really lose u/Bams_Seed ?

I nominate u/Bams_Seed for Mod.

She'd be our first female mod, our first mod of color; and our first heterosexual mod.

We don't need our mods talking to shadow people while making sub decisions.

She'd be like the Condaleeza Rice of the sub

Here here

Hear hear



Stop leaving me knickers

The Thot leaders. The tastemakers. The doers. They're all gone.

good riddance.

Only a true talent buyer can create a top tier content creator

Once every three months or so the mods start spazzing out and deleting like half the threads for no rhyme and reason for a couple days.

Then things go back to normal.

Three months later, more spazzing.

Maybe it's got something to do with the zodiac signs or something. Venus is in retrograde so you can't make fun of Kumail Nanjiani.

Osmosis, the balance of the universe, brothaman

Kumquat Jumanji is one of my 5 a day and I won't have him mocked.

I think "Kumquat Jumanji" deserves way more than it's getting.

It's like water Brotherman.

The mods are civilians and don’t understand the art of shitposting.

Pancake lovers

First Nick DiPaolo, now this. Greenstein a moderator here?


Have you clicked that link lately?

Okay that was pretty fucking funny.

Bless you. Now if you could ban him from the sub that'd be great.

For what.

Hate speech

I fucking hate that racist kike.

The lols, of course.

So what are they waiting for.

Why do you want to stay somewhere you're not wanted? The sub turned on you.

Would you stay at a party after it's made clear nobody wants you at that party? "WELL CALL THE COPS I GUESS AND HAVE ME ARRESTED FOR TRESPASSING SUSAN". Sorry you couldn't build an audience for your podcast but christ man leave with some dignity and pride.

Yeah. This sub isn't a private party. Stop acting like the kid whose parents made him invite all the kids to the bowling alley even though he didn't want to. You all have some rather fantastic theories about me, I can't wait to read the next one.

"The sub turned on you"

Do you know how lame that sounds?

No it's not a private party. You have the right to register another username and keep posting here without anyone being any the wiser or attacking you with downvotes & anti-semantic slurs every time you post.

But the whole "hey it's me Danny Ross check out my podcast and don't forget to mash that like button" persona is... yeah it's the one kid at the bowling alley our parents forced us to invite. That should make you uncomfortable, and if not you're a just a whore for anonymous internet fighting with idiots.



Yeah but you're inventing that persona.

There was one thread made for an AMA. That's it. I don't know where you're getting the rest from. Please link me if you're gonna accuse me of that.

There was one thread made for an AMA. That's it.

You've done at least 2 AMA's, quit lying Daniel.


Get fucked you child molesting jew.

Yeah. This sub isn't a private party. Stop acting like the kid whose parents made him invite all the kids to the bowling alley even though he didn't want to. You all have some rather fantastic theories about me, I can't wait to read the next one.

"The sub turned on you"

Do you know how lame that sounds?

Everything you say and do pretty much mirrors Anthony, the person you seem to hate and obsess over.


As if the mods would ever do anything positive


being a faggot.


I'd rather we keep him around, like a retard chained up in the back yard. Invite friends over and throw rocks at him

What a herb you are. Can't even apologize when your wrong. Twice now.

Better to be a herb than a heeb.

Even the mods in here with the anti semitism.

This is exactly why no one wants you here. Stop being a little snitchy bitch.

Too late. Already reported.


LOL, go get duped by a faker again and brag about banning him with a sticky. That shit was hysterical. You didn't even bother to check post history before banning somebody. What a great fucking mod.

Hats off, dummy.

is it exhausting being such a whiny oven dodger?

check the comments on all these videos for more people talking about you. Opie & Anthony: Danny Ross the Crybaby:

Lol videos of a radio show from 2005. Ya got me. really have been a crybaby cunt for that long. Fucking piss off danny if you don't like this sub. Why the fuck are you even here?


Dude you run a podcast with 8 followers and are in no position to call someone a good or bad mod. You are nothing, You will never be anything or accomplish anything. Stop trying to show us, of all people, how talented you are.

You're not talented at anything.

Not even a month old but you're gonna talk shit. Ok.

Ohhh seems I hit a nerve!

Yeah I'm gonna talk shit, it's the internet you tard. Wanna come back in 3 months and see if time mends your problems?

I get the 'wait for x/y/z to happen then I'll show em' mentality but it's just unproductive. I learnt that when trying to get off heroin... Make a change now or 'toil in obscurity'

Seriously though, why'd you respond to me? I'd think any gains from your response wouldn't offset the known fact that you are a faggot.

A month old baby pissed you off. You have skin like rice paper.

Faggot kike get killed

Not even a month old but you're gonna talk shit. Ok.

You talked shit about Opie doing a podcast and it hasn't even started yet, your hypocrisy never ends.


Oh, Jeremy!

Lol maybe the"faker" will be more funny


Be careful, he might sue you!

what a fucking kike

Now I understand the hate




A douchebag.


faggot kike.



Yes, and I lost thirty minutes of my time watching that hypnotic display!

Put Danny back!

Yes my friend: Their are faggots amount men in this moderation center. We are quick to solving the problem permanently. Please extend patience.

You have to be a faggot to willingly monitor posts for free.

This place is shit since off topic posts were banned.

shout out to braun, ccred, and rahtin for never doing anything like a mod should

nice job /u/braunheiser

If they're harshly moderating they're not doing a good enough job given all the shite that gets through

Content creator for Adult Diapers (1991 - present)

Where is the Apollo 13 Bro Joe video? As long as there is that I think it'll all be okay.

mods are faggots who woulda thought

its honestly not worth the effort and it has nothing to do with moderation. id hate to have to moderate this place, paint a mustache under my nose and delete almost everything posted. you cant overcome the 90 percent retarded population (here or anywhere) with the reddit format without users having skin in the game.

reddit will never be more than bathroom wall scribbles in quality and effort level. is what it is.

Where we at with the animatronic tranth face?

This sub has devolved into nothing but an endless series of repetitive shitposts. At one point a week ago the entire fucking page was nothing but shitty Jimmy photoshops.

Fuck you, man! We need fifty “Amy Schumer is a fat pig” posts fifty times a day!

But seriously, she probably stand could to lose a pound or two.

Maybe if she did it'd take a little weight off those failing kidneys of hers.

she probably stand could

Speaking of, did that sculptor dude finish the animatronic Ant head yet?

Sue Lightning created some content on Anthony's face.

just get rid of the mods. We don't need authority figures here, MANNNNNNNNN

"Content creators"? Like putting silk hats on a buncha fat pigs or somethin

Don't worry, I'm still here

I stopped creating threads to cling to my spot.

The mod who put pancakes in the links should step down.


Is this where the sub turns on itself and implodes into oblivion

braunheiser was alt-right. He left at the right time.

oh get over yourself, don't like it create a new sub. This sub wasn't created for some people to be cunts .

For what.

Why do you want to stay somewhere you're not wanted? The sub turned on you.

Would you stay at a party after it's made clear nobody wants you at that party? "WELL CALL THE COPS I GUESS AND HAVE ME ARRESTED FOR TRESPASSING SUSAN". Sorry you couldn't build an audience for your podcast but christ man leave with some dignity and pride.

As if the mods would ever do anything positive


I'd rather we keep him around, like a retard chained up in the back yard. Invite friends over and throw rocks at him

Yeah but you're inventing that persona.

There was one thread made for an AMA. That's it. I don't know where you're getting the rest from. Please link me if you're gonna accuse me of that.
