Normand calls Jerry Seinfeld a kike

27  2018-04-28 by duranfarbissina


Jerry Seinfeld said in an interview that Jewish people are more successful because they’re smarter. He may be right but what a dick.

Yea, well 8 million Jews between 1939 - 1945 would beg to differ.

I'm not sure nepotism qualifies for intelligence.


Jews are cacusian Arabs from the levantine area ( Syria, Palestine etc), ie they look better while swindling and get trusted by non Jews alot more. It's like letting in a lion into an antlope watering hole. It has to be genetic considering Steve Jobs was genetically Syrian but raised by adoptive white folks. He did however retain the ability to sell you overpriced horseshit and fucking everyone he knew over while doing it.

Jews are more successful because they have that advantage, they are driven, greedy and cut throat in the biz. They basically have this old middle East market mentality of fucking you over hand a foot.

I'm born Syrian and I see the same traits in many of my uncles, no wonder Arabs and Jews hate each other, they are too similar

Surely, you can't be Syrius.



I hope Todd dies this year.

The Arabs are the male of the Semetic Race and the Jews are the female. When Arabs decided to try to destroy the western world, they

Of the Semetic Race, the Arabs are the male and the Jews are the female. When the Arabs attempted to destroy the western world, they used brute force (hijacking, explosives, etc.). When the Jews decided to try to destroy the western world, they used tactics like guilt, general manipulation, gaslighting, divide and conquer, and so on. Otherwise, they're both tightly wound people with a penchant for worrying and panicking (intense drama and histrionics in the case of the Arabs, neuroticism in the case of the Jews). Arabs can easily be as intelligent as the Jews, but many are willing to forego intellectual pursuits of any kind because Islam encourages a strict focus on itself and discourages education in general unless it's studying the Koran. Christian Arabs tend to be roughly on the intellectual level of the Ashkenazi Jews.

You're mixing Sharia Islam with Islam from those countries. It's not the same and science is not something frowned upon in that area.

Whenever a jew or jew defender says something like this just hit them with a wide eyed innocent "then why aren't black people as successful?"

and when they mumble something about racism just go "are people racist to jews?"

sam is such a hole

Sam: Oh now Maaaark, don’t make fun of the Hells Angels.

Jim: Those guys could be a reaaal problem.

Troy: I live right near them.

What the fuck am I doing listening to this...

They really thought the hells angels were going to declare a fatwa against Mark for jokes he made on the radio.

nuJim has a very particular way of laughing at racist, sexist, homophobic or anti-retard jokes that screams “I wish I could join you but I will never be funny again.” He never adds to those jokes, just laughs like a hole.

normand didn't fully commit either. none of these guys are particularly funny anymore.

i love mark

shit i hadn't listened to this show - mark goes on to tell the story of how faggot sherrod beat him up because mark made fun of him on stage (i think thats what happened) anyway its funny because mark is good and sherrod literally has no place in show business.

I heard Sherrod just gave him a good tongue-lashing. Poor Mark is lucky to have survived. That dude’s tongue is a MAJOR PROBLEM!

Force the joke some more.

I'd rather get one from the Licker from Resident Evil 2. (It would probably be funnier, at least)

Timely reference, stupid

The Licker™ will always be cool, nigger.

That reference was our old partner y'know.

I was gonna say reptile from mk but I like yours better

Wow what do you know. When they actually have funny comedians on the show I find myself continuing to listen and actually enjoying

what the fuck is with that intro?? The random unfunny audio clips from film and television and then that poppy song announcing that the show is about to start? Ugh.

I wish Normand was permanent third mic.

Even the dude Sam has in when Jim's away would do. They just need someone to carry the weight ffs

Mark Normand is funny. Probably wont reach the heights of a Norton or even a Kelly, which sucks considering that those have to be your benchmarks.

But I don't hate Normand. I like when he took the piss out of Opie, and Opie had to call him personally to explain why he didn't pay him. Opie had to have a phone conversation with Normand, where he had to figure out how to explain all of this all to him, without sounding pathetic. Normand probably "Sure"'d him to death, but on inside he was probably thinking "what a fucking faggot this faggot is", with his internal Mark Normand voice. So he's OK in my book.