But seriously folks...

12  2018-04-28 by RBuddCumia


Everyone knows you only marry chicks that have already been fucked by your brother.

who is also a long island 3/10 who looks like ron perlman.

But it's marriage that's the problem.

Mr. Conservative family value

Is this why Joe was so bitter at Ron on twitter? Did he confuse him with his ex?

I mean he isn’t wrong, for once in the last decade.

When he’s right he’s right.

This is my personal least favorite aspect of Anthony's personality. The "my marriage didn't work out so all marriages and indeed the concept of love itself is a sham" guy.

So because his one attempt at a serious, stable relationship between two adults didn't work out, he immediately gives up on love.

So the billions of marriages out there that are stable and loving are all a lie or something?

Meanwhile, is he happy in these shallow sex-for-money relationships he has with golddigging teenagers and 20-somethings? is he REALLY happy?

Also, we've only ever heard his side of the story with ex-wife. You know he must have been a shitty husband. It's not like he has the most stellar personality in the world.

A 70 year old with the emotional maturity of an angry and stupid 13 year old.

Wakka wakka!