The worst part about Cosby was that he’s a hypocrite..

60  2018-04-27 by RBuddCumia

“ I don’t think that’s the worst part.” Norm Macdonald.


raping aside, i'm pissed at him for erasing a chuck of my childhood that i can't revisit with joy. cosby show was so good.

Just watch it if you enjoy it asshole.

He raped everyone on the show right?

Especially Malcolm-Jamal Warner.

no that was me

a chuck of my childhood

Are you afraid he's gonna crawl out of the TV and rape your butt?

I'm afraid he's not.

It doesn't hold up anyway. Nostalgic idiot.

Lol this is the gayest thing anyone's ever said.


chuck and larry

It was Patton that said this, right?

Fucking pedantic moron

Yes, he did.

The size of that fucking fag car infuriates me.

I bet he now wishes he killed them after raping them.

They just caught the Golden State Killer though. Seems like you're damned if you do and damned if you don't.

Can't do shit these days without getting in trouble.

Ya I bet he didnt even like pudding.

Zip zoppity zooty drink this and get wobbly wooty so I can put stuff in ya booty.