Development regarding Patrice doc, Better Than You

98  2018-04-27 by 78979087908789707897


Ha ha ha ha


once again patrice is proven right, women cant do anything

That reminds me. How is the GoFundMe Patrice O'Neal hologram campaign coming along?

Well wait until next year after they do another benefit! This stuff isnt free yall. Nails, extensions and cocoa butter adds up.

Von is a dumb hoe. Von was always a dumb hoe, and Patrice, the person who knew her the best, expressed that a hundred times LIVE to as many people as he could get to listen to him, and yet she STILL was put in charge of over a $130K budget to make a documentary. Baffling.

Now that Patrice is out of the picture to remind her constantly just how much of a dumb hoe she is, all the sudden she thinks she is a savant and is out there being a STAND UP COMEDIAN AND MAKING DOCUMENTARIES!? what!? WHAT!?!? (said in Patrice's voice)

She blew the whole budget reenacting scenes from Patrices life because she is a delusional dumb hoe who thinks she is worthy of a career in the spotlight so she used her dead providers legacy as a way to weasel her "acting skills" into a high production value documentary, but instead those dumb hoe ideas of hers destroyed it.

Von destroys everything she touches. There should be more Von hate on this sub.

probably killed Patrice too. She was the original Patton.

I've decided to blame her for Patrice's death and I suggest you all do the same.

She killed him

Where did the 130k come from?

Isnt there a way for people who contributed to get their money back or contact indiegogo about how it was successfully funded but nothing was ever made? I mean the worm technically did something but for a couple of clips to come out and no one ever doing anything is insane.

They did email me a few months ago asking if i ever got my perks and that was the last i heard from them

Thats nice but for sure id try and start some sort of campaign to see where the money went. Not for patrice or any self righteousness but because successfully funded projects are supposed to have something especially for such a large amount.

They don't give a shit they gets a cut of money they even willingly host banned kick starter campaigns

Contributing to Patreon, Indiegogo, GoFundMe, is the same thing as putting your money in the toilet.

Sometimes the toilet gets flushed and your mailbox remains empty.

thats indiegogo for ya

Didn't Opie throw in a little taste?

just a bit..just a bit

The whole "get a taste" bit ruined all similar phrases for me. In the Godfather (II, I think) l when they say "why should we not to be allowed to wet out beaks?" I used to think it was old school gangster lingo. Now I just the Opie yet to come.

Stupid Opie announced he would make up any shortfall of the goal (when barely anybody had donated). Not sure how much he gave, but Von bilking Opie out of money does score her some points.

I bet he did it after he took all the guys to lunch and picked up the check?

Lotta problems in that casket

They can just release the full unedited interview clips and make decent money. I don't want an edited narrative, I want Colin trashing Vos and Jimmy

She blew the whole budget reenacting scenes from Patrices life

What? There was 100 percent no need to do this with a person who has so much video footage of himself, friends, and living people who knew and remember him.

she a dumb hoe.

That fat fuck knew all of this and still stayed with her and raised her kid. Says more about his stupidity than it does about her.

The ultimate cuckold.

She pretty much played him, and now his fans and friends has to pay for her trips and bills

Ive thought that many times before. In the end he was slippin hard and losin his swagger cuz Von was wise to his bullshit and she was a master-tier snake and hoe. She would of beat him if he was still around and its sad.

So how long is before Von takes the approach that he abused her, burned her with crackpipes like Rick James and drugged her?

That is the next logical step for dis bitch, isn't it?

If anyone is going to ruin the legacy of Patrice with some bullshit it will be Von when she turns 50

reenacting scenes from Patrices life

An Act of Killing-style documentary about the cellar table would be great.

I imagine Norton having to reenact what it's like to be told "nice shirt stupid" then retching trying to walk around the table.

this made me sad.

Don't be sad patrice is probably up there bagging up his x is gaming these niggas

Didn't Patrice's family hate Von? Wasn't there a ton of drama involving money after he died? Maybe they were onto something.

Please expand on this.

I remember shortly after he died there were some implications that Patrice's family didn't think Von deserved any of the money and there was some bad blood between his mom and Von. The details are hazy.

Also, I recall the family accused her of hiding his money.

Please expand on this, as you were asked earlier.

Since you were such a sweetie pie I made sure to expand on my original comment.

Thanks babe!

Patrice's mom shoulda fawked or sumpthin.

I gave 100$ about 4/5 years ago, THEN NOTHIG HAPPENED

You should kill yourself for giving Von money.

I’d rather stay alive and complain on the internet

Does seem to be a popular choice these days...

Did you also give money to Norton and Bobo?

And Danny


He sure is a fucking kike! Thanks!

Shekels received: 11

Bobo no, Norton yes. But at least I got a signed chip poster from norton

Nice $ placement at the end, stupid

I love how that dumb bitch passive-aggressively put the blame on Bill Burr and....who was the other one?

Imagine her and Nia spending $400 at the salon getting their hair and nails done.

Nia's a white girl. She ain't hanging out with that dusty thot. She got Bill Burr money.

Imagine her and Nia spending $400 at the salon getting their hair and nails done did

Fixed it for ya. If you are going to talk about black women, please speak/type like they would.


There is not a single minority group dumber, less educated and less capable at anything in America than "the black woman." They're all completely entitled retards.

I thought they were the most educated demographic in America with college degrees?

No. No they are not.

I wish I was not so attracted to them. They even knocked Persian chicks out of the #1 slot somehow for me; I've gone full De Niro. (To my father's shame)

Because white women are bland and overrated as hell. All other races of women look better.

And you're wrong.

Zendaya was so fucking hot in that Spider Man movie I wanted to hump the screen. (Id never seen or heard of her before that) It's too bad her character was so hate-able and obnoxious in that goddamn movie. That Spider Man was ridiculous, they must have handed down an edict that no more than 2 white people will be allowed on the screen at the same time, ever.

I still think white women are hot, I'm not one of those guys. I just find black chicks incomprehensibly sexy for some reason. No one looks better naked, I swear to god. Every curve and feminine feature is doubly accentuated.

That article you linked has been thoroughly debunked, by the way. I don't have a personal agenda or a grudge, I just know from having been in NYC and reading anything a black woman has ever posted online or in any sort of Youtube comments, Twitter feeds, etc.

they must have handed down an edict that no more than 2 white people will be allowed on the screen at the same time, ever.

My nigga, what about literally almost every movie being all white?

I still think white women are hot, I'm not one of those guys. I just find black chicks incomprehensibly sexy for some reason.

Brown titties bro, pinkish-red white skin just reminds me of pork. Last time I screwed a white chick (2016?) Didn't kill my boner, I was just half mast. Brown women just seem natural and it's funny because I was all in for white women before college.

What about Italian women? You consider them white enough?

My nigga, what about literally almost every movie being all white?

Maybe because the majority of the country is still white, you dumb faggot and almost all the main comics books were written when the country was even more white.

Yeah because in a fictional Universe Far Far Away it's a white space wonderland, explain why /tv/, /pol/ and other dorky white boi hangouts REE'd it up. You just proved my point, BACK when the country was mostly white. We're talking about Oink boy rage in the 21st century and dont ignore the fact that Star Wars was a world wide phenomenon written by a Jew which you faggots separate yourselves from anyway.

REEE I don't see people like me in MY fiction stories and beer commercials! REE white genocide!

Overdose on opioids.


That's what I thought.

Beat it, spook

There are no "all white" movies being made anymore, sir. Nor TV shows. This started probably 5 years ago, no idea where you've been. (Tell me the last time you saw a beer commercial with 3 white guys sitting there.) But Spider Man was so over the top it was literally distracting, it was so shoe horned in and forced.

I like pork.

You know what I mean by all white. It's funny how white people have a problem when they see people who don't look like them on TV but that's what everyone else has been looking at. Yeah I'm aware that there's more representation these days but to you it's "shoe horned".

No idea where you've been

Bro I frequent white boy internet and that includes 4chan and I'm well aware of the REE. I'm like Patrice, I know you muhfuckas better than you know yourself. It fucks with your reality to see non-whites in Star Wars. You feel like the spotlight is taken away and makes you question if you're still the "default". I've put myself in white shoes and I see your angle, your mind just won't allow you to see mine.

Tell me the last time you saw a beer commercial with 3 white guys sitting there

Just look at every commercial since the 1950s. Seeing some coloreds in the last few years is suddenly a problem, niggas and spics drink beer too nigga. It isn't always about you.

No hard feelings though

"White boy internet." Ho boy.

Sure, guy. No hard feelings.

Yeah your right, 4chan and Reddit aren't white guy spots. My bad.

"You say weird shit to people."

It's "You say odd shit to people". Nice quote fuck up, stupid.

Yeah, but at least Im white.

It's all you've got. I'll allow it.

It's all I need.

Yet you're still miserable.

I'm fine, no idea where you're getting that from. Actually I don't know if I've ever been happier in my life than right now. (I just got a raise yesterday too!)

Fawwkin hater.


See, no matter how much we disagree, one thing is undeniable: Opie sucks.

It's the great unifier.

Lol kike nigger article.

I'm sure the degrees are in useful high skilled areas like engineering and mathematics and not garbage like Ebonics studies and white privilege analytics.

Well cherry pick and "Well achtyually" all you want bro, just going by info from the Education Department, not assumptions. Maybe there's a stat that backs your facts.

Well for women versus men I know the data do completely support that, you fucking dunderhead.

We're talking about race though. Don't buckle up, go through your windshield this weekend.

You'd probably say the same thing about white women earning degrees over white men.

Dumb nigger

You got me there. I's gon get me some chicken an watamelon and skip on down wit my banjo.

Your racist jokes are at an 8th grade level

Glad you've conceded that you mentioned women first, jigaboo.

Jigaboo is a classic one. You guys should use that one more often, I'm not being sarcastic

Alright I will, you baboon spear chucker.

You already had me at "jigaboo" Kevin, don't over do it.

Okay, my nigga.

Get a room you guys.

You wanna join?

Alright I will, you baboon spear chucker.

Its funny that he angers Jimmy so much, but D.L. is either stupid or lying with that nonsense

Why not both?

and the quietest!

Remove the black and put all women in there

This man deserves better.


Isn't all the video out there already? How hard is it to splice it all together and be done?

5 minutes of interviews were teased on the site I linked. Did you click it?

Yeah but my point is they already have all the video they'll ever have of him

All due respect it's a posthumous documentary so your point is fucking retarded

Fucking thiefing nigger cunt. H

I'd love to have the money to hire someone to do a Patrice documentary and work with his mom to do an end around on Von and cut her out of it completely. I can't imagine the comedians who Von interviewed would turn down Patrice's mom if she asked them to give new interviews for a documentary she was involved in.

And just as a fuck you to Jimmy, make him feel like he's a big part of it all, have him come across as a sort of bridge to the other comedians, have him lead the camera and little stories about Patrice and the comedian about to be interviewed, do a big interview with him........and then have him cut completely out of the finished product.

Did this happen before or after Jimmy did the same shit with his cartoon?

Oh, look, someone didn't pay the bill on time.

How predictable.

Imagine her and Nia spending $400 at the salon getting their hair and nails done.

There is not a single minority group dumber, less educated and less capable at anything in America than "the black woman." They're all completely entitled retards.

Glad you've conceded that you mentioned women first, jigaboo.

Alright I will, you baboon spear chucker.