Amy Schumer Hospitalized

30  2018-04-27 by scorezman


My kidneys are infected and I can catch a dick anytime I want...and an OB tampon woop woop!


If she changed that tampon more often maybe she wouldn't have gotten a UTI that spread to her kidney.

Foot-and-mouth disease or hoof-and-mouth disease (Aphthae epizooticae) is an infectious and sometimes fatal viral disease that affects cloven-hoofed animals, including domestic and wild bovids.

This bitch will do anything for attention from the press. Ugh.

Filthy pussy

You offering?

My shit's clean as a whistle

Whats that have to do with your dirty vagina?

The key to proper vaginal hygeine is not letting dudes mix wheres. Meaning they cant put it somewhere and then try to put it another where. Once its been in the ass you have to change hats


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why use condoms?

This is called nigger science. It's equal to the theory of gravity to the avg 80 iqd brain

Do you go ass to pussy often?

Yeah i always tap out of the butt sex before they get enough momentum going to nut 😔

Well you still make an effort and that's good enough for me.

Why do you post here


Jeez. What a gross fatso.

just pour some cranberry juice in the feed trough and call it a day.

What is it, yer period?

OB tampon for you!!!

Probably all bullshit because nobody will show up to her fat movie premiere.

Could be
That - it was that daily 10k caloric lunch - a fucking pile of cheesesteaks & pony keg of hageen-daz.

I know the plot of the movie deals with the main character being fat, but calling it a "fat movie premiere" is really funny

Doritos and Diet Coke aren't good for your kidneys?

Not surprising considering her husband is a chef, and has him banging pots and pans every half hour. Piggo doesn't drink any water.

Banging pots and pans really is a great expression

Gee I wonder if this has to do with her diet and alcohol intake

Think it has more to do with getting her fat face in the news one more time before the new Avengers movie destroys hers.

I'd say there's a very high chance of that. But I don't care either way. I just want her to go away.

She looks really sick in that picture

She always looks sick


Really like that, doesn't it?

She stole this bit from Rick Shapiro.

Please be terminal.

First David Bowie now this.

I'm le scared for 2019!!!!!


Quick, somebody call a Vet!

Apparently to get those IV lines in they needed to use a harpoon.

She looks all bloated and sweaty.

Ok the selfie is for attention but who took the second picture? Did she invite TMZ into her hospital room?

I heard she's having a 90 pound mole removed from her ass.

the husband is an amateur, you start putting rat poison in the bologna sandwich after 3 years, not 3 months. It’s too suspicious now, he won’t collect a dime of her (((hollywood))) money. Have some patience.

That vet bill is gonna be huge. 🐷

Our collective hate is killing people again.


Why do all the Comedy Central Alumni thieves wanna rip off George Lopez?

Amy cheated on her husband after he gave her a kidney?

Did anyone hear how since rape has become the hot new accessory for female celebrities this year, that she's finally opened up about the "grey area" rape she suffered at the hands of an ex? So brave of her to trot out this true story at this moment.

No she made sure to clarify that she was "straight up raped" to one up the girls who were just harassed

"Grey area" is what they call the combo of her vagina, asshole and surround tissue.

Thoughts and Prayers

her sugar probably crashed when she skipped second-breakfast

I told her atm was a bad idea

Correction.. Kidney bean infection

She looks worse than Lady Di at the same age.

Keep eating, flatso

Do any flattering pictures of her exist? I have yet to see one.

The new husband must be thrilled. Fat ass with medical issues

She has a drinking problem 1000% her being a float bloat, red faced, and kidney infection she's definitely hitting the bottle to hard.

Takes one to know one. Yes agree 100

Your not wrong.

Nice glomerular filtration, stupid

He she’s going for surgery, the doctor is gonna doing a pork chop or sumtin, tssss

She's got gravy on the brain! Poor thing.

Didn’t she also fall ill during an unpopular tour that was struggling to sell tickets?

Please the obit next

She had about thirty too many balls of mootzarrelle!

The comedian says she was supposed to travel to London for the opening of her new movie, "I Feel Pretty" ... but doctors put the kibosh on that plan so she can focus on her health.

And clearly not because her movie is a dud-a-roo

She’s just not even close to being healthy. The pussy mites are having a field day on her organs.

So brave.

Hop it's a sign of greater things to come.

The Chef has been seen talking to Patton Oswalt .Hmmmm.

Nuke the site from orbit, it's the only way to be sure.

Amy got a stanky pussah! Smells like Sizzlean and hot garbage!