Fun Experiment: Try making a thread about a particular “edgy” O&A mod in “space” with his username in the title. It will be auto filtered and not seen by anybody but yourself.

16  2018-04-27 by catchafade

Baby boy doesn’t like when he’s the topic of discussion.


It’s merely basic Javascript just like how replying to this comment with your social security number will automatically censor your comment with random racial slurs.

Said “edgy” mod set it this way because he doesn’t like being discussed in any manner, particularly in a negative way. Seems very Opie-like...

You were supposed to type a racial slur. Didn’t do da bit... sniff

This same mod reached out to reddit admins to stop discussion of him outside of this sub too.

kike kike nigger nigger kike

478 - 98 - 8710

hate speech

Is the answer to the security question comic630?

Doesn't sound fun at all

I discovered the shoplifting thread way too late. That shit was hilarious because half of it was "check out my sweet gains" and the other half was "how much trouble am I going to be in?"

He’s still the second most successful shoplifter this subreddit has had.

Legally it's not even shoplifting if you never leave the store with it.

I hate to break it to you, but due to an incident involving a sound bar and a windshield, he is #1 now.

That’s the bit. Looks like you and I don’t have that chemustry brothaman.

belches into microphone