Sammy two chins.

26  2018-04-27 by Dennyislife


He's hideous.

Sammy 2x (chromosomes)

Dummy 3x (you're stupid and unfunny)

Sammy Pissballoondickmuffins!

Neanderthal skull Sam

He should be used as a campaign to get children to eat their vegetables. "Finish your peas and carrots, Timmy, or you'll end up like Goblin Sam."

-Flicks coins off his chins

Lookin like he rey' kill Bart Simpson or sum shit

Tss yea he luk lyk he gna bus on sum fulz tssss street talk

Dear Lord....this has to be shopped?

I really wanna see him strapped to a chair while somebody hacks that absolutely mess of pubes off his head. Just accept you're bald already you stupid ape.

Absolute agree

Fucking Whoville lookin’ peesha GAWBAGE

Head like a foot

Tss, yeah, it gots corns on it asumptin

this 48 yr old thinks he needs to explain hip hop to Ron Bennington and Jim Norton as if he’s the expert and everyone else is too stupid to understand

Yet he could not name one Meek Mill song (or "Meek," as he calls him) when asked by Ron.

Give one of those chins to your co-host

Its aliveee!

Sammy two chins, thin lip, oversized philtrum, stupid eyebrows, balding cuck, gap toothed, wide nostrils, man child, sneaker collecting ghoul.... no offense

His dick is a piss balloon