Ant. We can all see your twitter feed. You are sending out hundreds of tweets a day during vacation. That is not a great time.

59  2018-04-27 by Dennyislife


The linked tweet was tweeted by @AnthonyCumiacm on Apr 27, 2018 01:38:35 UTC (4 Retweets | 88 Favorites)

Its not where you are. It’s who you are and who you’re with.

I’m having an amazing time.

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What do you mean? Doesn’t everyone send out 118 texts in one day while on their vacation?

Jesus, Ant....

If him tweeting all the time is what it takes to stop him molesting kids while at Disneyland, then I'm all for it.

He's held a steady 50 tweet a day clip during 2 bannings, a suspension and two boat cruises. To listen to him talk about Twitter, you'd think that he thinks Twitter is a poorly designed and censorious piece of shit that he rarely uses only to conduct business. I don't even think he finds it fun anymore. Its just compulsion.


Did your forget you were British m8? Ya got a loicence bruv?

I've forwarded your reddit post history to your local imam. Expect to be tossed off of the tower of london for blashpemy and general faggotry.

I translated for you simple folk.

Allah be with you

Hope you got a loicence for that hate speech, bruv. Yer reddit profile is under review. I made sure all the racist, islamaphobic, and antisemitic posts you've made were given top priority 😉

They are asking me if you have any other twitter names. I told them I only know of the one.


His worried avatar is the perfect fit for this tranny loving xanny addict.

That’s what everyone on a great vacation does: Aggressively announces it with a tweet... and then keeps tweeting.

"It's who you are" wtf is that supposed to mean?

must be a tunisian riddle


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He's talking about the 13 year-old he's grooming.

If he was still doing the show, we’d all laugh about how he’s going to Disney to assess his future romantic prospects. But now we totally know he shouldn’t even be allowed to fly into MCO.

Why would a grown man go to Disney with other adults ? That's fucking weird.

They won the super bowl?

The adults run interference while he lures away kids

He's a felon, and can't fly out of the country.

Club 33

MaureenFromNY couldn't come up with a single thought of her own. Poor little mug runs a retweet twitter.

He goes on vacation and brags about doing the same stuff he does at home.


"@MAGAmale16: Never thought I’d hear serious relationship ant again. I like it. At least we know missy isn’t a psycho cunt"

She IS a psycho cunt he once had arrested, stupid.

You're not implying that Anthony's ballwashing "fans" are literal idiots, are you?

It's almost all banal garbage.

that gay pic of him nervously looking to his right never stops being funny

He always trashed rubes and "middle America" as if he were in another stratosphere, but he takes the most basic vacations possible: cruises and Disney.

He’s having an amazing time and is still hilarious

I still don’t know where he’s on vacation. Because I mostly skip-over his tweets.

"Who he's with" is a bunch of leeches he has to pay airfare and accomodation for.

What the fuck is Anthony going to do when he finally gets banned permanently? I think at this point he would feel worse about losing twitter than he did about losing a million dollar radio gig (because of twitter). Madness.

They won the super bowl?

The adults run interference while he lures away kids

He's a felon, and can't fly out of the country.

Club 33