Brother Joe is #DisgustedAgain

13  2018-04-26 by dropngo



This guy is so clever.

Tss Tss Joe Cumiatose


Joe CumiaToast

I wish he took some sleeping pills and overdosed.

Andy Cuomo also should do that.

He would've made some kind of cum joke but he can't because his last name is Cumia

He's not, he heard it some place else,this is same guitar wonder that earns meager pocket change playing other people shit, no originality

Why do these idiots act like immigrants get housed in private residences and state parks? Walk around LA, there are plenty of white bums.


The spics lost the territory in a war. How pathetic do you have to be to play the victim in that scenario? The jews taught them well. 🤣

So woke.

Yeah, but you know I'm right. 😉

Punched out

Los Alamitos has always been a shithole.

If he actually paid taxes out of his own pocket I might actually buy this horseshit anecdote.

It is always a friend, an anonymous source. Joe is full of shit.

The Cumia brothers both look like dreamers. Their family hasn’t Americanized themselves enough to Anglicize their look. They both look like they’re dirty migrant workers fresh off a boat from a third world shithole.

I’m a racist but I the Brother Joe, Baby Boomer type of racist. “Democrats are the REAL Nazis!” Shut up faggot.

He lost all credibility with "hard working"

Isn't this that accused pedophile I saw on TV wearing dumb shoes?

Bro Joe is a Hoe Moe

Is Joe not aware that he's a ssscuuuuummmmbaaaag?

He has to be. The Cumia clan has been well known for their self-awareness and ability to laugh at themselves.

"Good, hard working, caring proud American citizens"

You mean like people who DON'T live off their younger brother's money?

You're a fucking mooch and a hypocrite, Joe. Please kill yourself.

You can’t collect welfare if you are undocumented, stop believing the racist nonsense you seem to wallow in.

There was a short period of time in the 90s when undocumented aliens could get legit social security cards which they could use to get drivers licenses. Clinton ended that. Immigrants with fake papers can work and pay taxes and Medicaid they can just never collect it. They put far more in than they take out.

Sorry breastwood you are just another semi literate racist. You are too ignorant to use your understanding to create theories.

A "good friend", eh Joe? In my experience anyone who says they just "heard something" from a "good friend" is a giant liar who just wants to make up a silly story to rationalize their belief system and thinks pretending to have heard about it "first hand" makes it more believable. Good try though.

why does Joseph cumia have such a problem with Mexicans and black people? Was he raped by a man of either origin?

If he had to pick would he rather be Mexican or black?

he's not wrong, why the fuck are we giving illegal immigrants priority over citizens?

We dont.

yes we do, as much as i hate brojoe he stated facts. Here in nyc the illegals get on welfare and getting more benefits than homeless vets. Its not just here trust me, its everywhere.

Not true. Google it and skip brietbart and Fox News hits. Maybe read the law.

“Maybe read the law.” I sincerely want you to elaborate on what that means.

I am da law ? no ? I READ THE LAW !

You read John?

no ill go by my personal experience fuckface, dont try to dismiss my point because youre too stupid to see reality

I'm as liberal as they come, but I don't understand how illegal immigrants get anything from our government, like driver's licenses and shit. If you want to create a clear path to citizenship, fine, but if you're here illegally, you're only rights should be fair treatment if you're arrested (speedy trial, no torture and so on).

Isn't giving them drivers liscences simply a way to allow them to buy insurance? I'd rather have insured and trained illegals driving them braindead piss poor illegals driving.

The people who want illegal invaders here should have to provide food shelter and education. I don't care if people come here legally ( they usually have some sort of useful skill set) at all in fact I like that we can integrate different perspectives into our industries. The U.S does not need adults who have no skills or education, we already have bobo

not to mention the insane amount of people we already have on welfare. who the fuck is suppose to pay for this?

Able bodied people on welfare is astonishing. I used to think that low IQ should mean no breeding but there are plenty of lunkheads who can easily support a kid. The lazy should be chemically castrated though.

im fine with switching out illegals/dreamers that work hard with these lazy fucks

Some sort of fuck up exchange program. "Ok LaTasha since you refuse to stop accepting random crack dealers cum into your pussy you will be switching places for 10 years with a hard working Honduran family. Say hello to the Honduran ghetto"

i swear to you if that were possible i would be down for it

Fuck the homeless vets.

As a vet you have a shit ton of resources to help you. If you’re homeless it’s because you’re either a dumbass or a doper or both.

Also don’t act like it’s not poor kids going into the military to begin with.

im not even going to address the first three sentences you regurgitated. I'm taking about ILLEGALS having priorities over citizens (regardless if you agreed with the war/s) who fought/sacrificed. Some lost body parts, their minds and friends, part of being in battle but to think they get less of a chance of benefits than illegals that also bring in most of those drugs is so shitty its astounding btw i hope someone close to you dies miserably


Joe CumiaToast