Sam "Shrap Metal"

38  2018-04-26 by AlvinItchyCock

Sam thought the word shrapnel was shrap metal.


No he didn't. He's not that stupid and sheltered.

As in what I wish impaled into his heart.

Nah, he just said SHRAP-NELL really weird like he does with other words and didn't want to get made fun of so he refused to say it again and came up with that shrap metal excuse.

Also it's unbelievable that these fucks STILL can't play back audio that just happened. They claim that whatever system/hardware update happened recently in the studio prevents it and it will eventually be fixed, but jesus christ how hard is it to have Travis or Troy running fucking Audacity and get a capture every day. For a show that has relied on playing back audio immediately as much O&A/O&J/J&S have they sure don't give a fuck about it not working.

I'm convinced teft hangs back and refuses to do stuff he could help with just so the guys can point out how terrible Troy is at googling and anything tech related. A DJ who can't play back audio, what a fucking poser.

Sure thing Sam

He's dumber than a NJ plumber.

Get him off the radio!

Sams head and neck area is in desperate need of some shrap metal.

But there are a lot of major arteries in that area, he could get seriously hurt or even killed if that happened.

I believe he wants Sam deceased.

Be careful this sub is full of Sam and WWE fans.. You know.. Fat illiterate white people stuff..

No WWE fans like Sam

Vos: I've beein doing for thiss for a long time. That's my the last ammo.

Bonny: Do you mean MO?

Vos: No, it's "Thss's my ammo."

Bonny: "Emm OH, like the kind that shoots things?"

Vos: No, I menstlt I'll be playing at the Buck Hill Brewery in Blalirstown, New Jersery.

He says chiminey unironically and of course Jim is to apathetic to correct him.

On the old show Jim and Ant would have roasted his ass for saying chiminey like a four year old.



I used to cut myself this is my replacement.