Iranian knife seller has his dream come true and flies to America to play a WPT poker tournament

81  2018-04-26 by aPersonStranded



this wasn't funny the first time you posted it on facebook,why post it twice?

Because I'm gay

vurry good

Persian's are whiter than the Kumiyas.

But Iran isn’t close to Italy, you can’t swim from Iran to Italy.

Ant can't swim anywhere, because he is black

Ahh....Pre HGH Ant.

Too wordy, stupid

Colin called him a corsican pimp once.

A back alley Tunisian knife fighter

"WPT poker tournament." Nice redundancy, stupid.

they call me the pleonasm kid

ATM Machine

World Poker Tour Tournament

What a fag

Reminder that Iranians are indeed Aryan, Abu Qumiyyah is an Arabized Berber from the Maghreb.

he looks Indian here

Iranians don't look as sickly and grotesque as Anthony.