A bong hit? Geeze how high are you?

58  2018-04-26 by Yaseetheo


Nice punctuation, stupid.

A bong hit transplant.

Make America Innate Again!

my girlfriend just had an operation she can only eat certain thinngggsss

Hell yeah dude

The British are coming dude

She was doin' some of that POT TALK!

bong hit? It's all about the DABZ!!!!! don't ya know?

Are those the ones who shave their heads?!

It's not just the line itself: it's his delivery of that line that shows just how awful and phony he was.

opie was desperately trying to switch to any new topic because he realized he had no good reason to be mad.

"what does 'evan-gel-ichul' mean??" even though they've talked about evangelical christians on show

She said she wanted to take a bong hit, implying that she wanted to go and get high. Opie replies “How high are you?” despite the fact that she hadn’t partaken yet. What’s wrong with this man? Does he not know how drugs work?

Opie has never smoked pot. His frat buddies probably stupidly smoked seed or tea leaves while engaged in ass play.

He prob did once but he's psychotic so he can't now

So uncomfortable.

Opie LOVES being uncomfortable.

The Opester did some coke

Opie LOVES being uncomfortable.