Here's to the NY Jets and Giants making bad draft picks tonight and stinking it up for years to come.

0  2018-04-25 by A_Friendly_Creeper

For you Brits, this is futbol Americano


tomorrow, cunt


tomorrow night homie

Also way to keep it local with the predominantly NY-based former O&A fanbase sniff

Thank you sir

I am a fan of every team in the AFC north and the NFC south.

Jimmy's all in with the Cowboys

And the Lakers... then the fastest growing and most popular sport in the world.

That's the Opie approach to sports.

is tonight draft night?

I made a boo boo, it's tomorrow.

I finally tapped out of the Giants and the NFL when they made the draft day deal for Eli Manning in ‘04. I guess I was wrong about him, but who knows, maybe Philip Rivers would have been better.

I hate the giants being an eagles fan but only one of them has 2 rings

Yeah, mostly joking about Rivers, and I fully accept that I was wrong about Eli, but my NY/NJ friends never let me forget how anti-Manning I was so it’s been hard to enjoy his success.

Well I mean, Eli has 2 Superbowl rings and Rivers has there's that

I know, I was half joking about Rivers. I get endless shit from my north jersey friends for my early anti-Eli position. He’s been a great player, I just happened to tap out around that time.

I'm a Redskins fan so I am just waiting to check on Saturday and see how our retarded owner Dan Snyder and his faggot non GM Bruce Allen have fucked up the draft yet again. Not looking forward to our inevitable 6-10 or 7-9 season.

Three letters: RG3

RG3 was a disaster. Too small of a frame to take the punishment of the NFL for too long.

Cousins is a little better than an average. There was a reason Shanahan wanted him all along and not RG3. Teams were ready for a bidding war for him this offseason but the Vikings jumped in and gave him everything he wanted right off the bat. With a good team around him, something he's never had in his 3 years starting in DC, he's going to surprise a lot of people. People say he put up junk time numbers but the miss the fact that we had no O-line, no top TE, shitty defense, no running game and spotty WR's. He won't have all those distractions in MN. He can focus on elevating his game.

And meanwhile the Redskins have.....Alex Smith. An Alex Smith that KC drafted a replacement for last year and then traded him to the Redskins after the rookie played one game. Something very fishy there.

We better take Darnold. Browns might fuck up and take Allen

Yeah, mostly joking about Rivers, and I fully accept that I was wrong about Eli, but my NY/NJ friends never let me forget how anti-Manning I was so it’s been hard to enjoy his success.