
23  2018-04-25 by pashow84


If it isn't Bobo and Bochetti in the morning, I'm not interested.

They must have a show

keep lying....

More horseshit hype. Can't wait for the unveiling of the "Nick and Anthony" logo before Nick knows he's been offered a job.

I guarantee it's Dave Landau.

His wife is FAT

That’s what I’ve been trying to tell him


That’s exactly what I was thinking.

Upon relocating to New York, Landau will start sandblasting his face, undergoing Tunisian spray tan treatments, donning a soy sauce-colored wig fashioned from brillo pads, and subsisting on a strict diet of Bud Light and Xanax to complete the Single White Female transformation into his media mogul hero.

Awesome. Opie and Anthony back at it again!

this would be epic

dummy doesnt realize opie was the engine of the haters


The Artie and Anthony show: featuring Opie as 3rd mic

Why is he in Indiana?

Klan meeting.

Probably found more billboards for pennies on the dollar

He’s with Anthony. Age of consent in Indiana is 16.

The new Marvel movie just came out so it's smart to hold off on the announcement till next week, you want this thing to get as much press as possible. Smart move by media mogul Keith.

Are they bringing in a regular third mic to AA or am I reading that wrong? Not that I particularly care but if true definitely indicative of the professional difficulties they're having with Artie.

Artie is looking like he's headed to the slammer, so it's probably a replacement.

Maybe Artie's parole officer will be the new segment producer.

It’s not you Danny, go fuck yourself.

"Another show or two"

Now thats a tight ship

More shows means more gooder network! Nevermind that everyone on this network is a fucking nobody with no audience. It's like how black people see the lottery. If you just keep doing it over and over again then eventually you'll have to win! That's how it works.

Realistically, it's not a bad strategy. If 🐜 can get people to do a show for $100 a week, it's easy money.

It's the reason Dr Dre is the wealthiest musician of all time: there's more money to be made by discovering new talent and paying them peanuts than actually producing your own content.

by discovering new talent

Yeah but what about Tranpa's strategy of hiring anyone with a ginzo sounding last name?

Dr Dre produces retarded content for the dumbest of consumers. The difference is he gives them what they want.

All my heroes have fallen.

Did you drop a sandwich or sumin Dvv dvv

Id say they've all become SUB par, tss

Finally! Anthony and Ron... coming to a podcast near you.

I love how Anthony (rightfully) shits on Opie for teasing announcements that never happen, yet his retard of an executive producer can't stop doing the same thing.

New Colin Flaherty show perhaps?

Good job, Keith. Now you're in a position where people will be expecting Nick. But you won't get Nick. And then you will be in a rare situation where you uncharacteristically look like a fool.

a rare situation where you uncharacteristically look like a fool

Hey, you know... I don't think that's actually rare, guy.

Keith makes quite the ass of himself sometimes.

Finally, we get our big, long awaited Joe Devito show.

hopefully the second show will be Finoia returning to do his Friday slot again


could it be kanye west? just throwin darts

Ok THIS time Compound Media will get it right and become successful

Keith the cop is a stupid cunt.

He is, of course, aware that Nick just got fired. A lot of people love Nick. Anthony’s listeners in particular. It won’t be Nick. It won’t matter who it is, if it isn’t who people are expecting and wanting, he will have failed. Again. How dumb is this clod? His timing is abysmal.

So Artie is through?

What's with all these guys and pre hyping everything? It's a terrible strategy

OA&J on the Compound!

Sam Roberts has been tied to a rope and is being dragged behind a boat as bait, in preparation for Shark Week

Don’t do it, Nick!

His wife is FAT

That’s exactly what I was thinking.

Did you drop a sandwich or sumin Dvv dvv

Realistically, it's not a bad strategy. If 🐜 can get people to do a show for $100 a week, it's easy money.

It's the reason Dr Dre is the wealthiest musician of all time: there's more money to be made by discovering new talent and paying them peanuts than actually producing your own content.

Upon relocating to New York, Landau will start sandblasting his face, undergoing Tunisian spray tan treatments, donning a soy sauce-colored wig fashioned from brillo pads, and subsisting on a strict diet of Bud Light and Xanax to complete the Single White Female transformation into his media mogul hero.