Jews just passed the bill to force Poland to give Jews billions of dollars

21  2018-04-25 by Prosbora


Im missing how the US house has anything to do polish nationals and poland? I also didnt read the article though

Stop being anti Semitic. 6 billion died. Why don't you care?

Also only jews. No one else died in concentration camps or even in Ww2 for that matter.


Is America allowed to just pass laws regarding the distribution of property in other sovereign states now? Sounds fair.

this is why im scratching my head

this cant be a real thing

Whats next in this country, i open the front door and there is a drunken teepee Indian with his hand out to me?

Nice comparison, stupid.

The thing most consistent about kikes is that they will always find ways to disgust me even more; I'm always surprised when it happens, but I shouldn't be.

This situation started when Jewish-American interest groups piped up when they noticed little ol' Poland began to like itself too much and told the EU to go fuck their mothers. Poland was occupied by a hostile Germany and many of their own innocent people died, but this isn't good enough: now it has to be made known to everyone that the Polish were certainly complicit with the Nazis in throwing Jews in ovens... even though we've been taught for over 70 years that they too were victims of the Nazis.

So, this is a response to Poland trying to pass a law that criminalizes any speech in their country that implicates that they were party to the Nazi regime. Basically, "blame the victim, go to prison" which is the case for a dozen other European countries which have Holocaust Denial laws.

If signed by the president, Act S. 447 will oblige the Secretary of State to prepare regular reports assessing “the nature and extent of national laws and enforceable policies of covered countries regarding the identification and the return of or restitution for wrongfully seized or transferred Holocaust-era assets.”

I thought all these rats lived in ghettos? What fucking assets?

The most controversial article 3 of S. 447 postulates: “in the case of heirless property, the provision of property or compensation to assist needy Holocaust survivors, to support Holocaust education, and for other purposes”.

Fuck these people. "Needy Holocaust survivors". BTW Jewish special interest groups don't even give their reward money to the needy, Jewish or otherwise. It always ends up in the pockets of some fat heebs who run the organizations.

Act S. 447 is based on the Terezin Declaration, a legally non-binding document that openly discriminates against non-Jewish victims of the Holocaust, in particular, it discriminates against the ethnic Polish Holocaust Survivors.

What else do I need to say?

70 years. 70 years, they've got all the money you could ask for, they're the wealthiest minority... and all they want oh so badly is shekels.

yup, exactly.

I reached peak disgust ages ago and now every time something like this comes along it's just 'oh look, up to their old tricks again'.

There are holocaust classes in schools. Holocaust classes.

No one speaks about the Armenian Genocide. One and a half MILLION people gunned down by the Turks, still being denied to this day at a state level.

Nobody cares about what the Japanese did to the Chinese in WWII. Ask a fucking shitty genderless teen about the Nanking Massacre. Blank stare.

Holocaust Class. Fuck you.

I'm not a denier of the atrocities the German regime committed during WWII, nor do I think it justified, but it's had more attention than any other genocide. Why is that exactly.

Why are we forced to feel guilty for it, as the sons of the Allied Powers, when we're the fucking people who stopped it.

Because German goyim and American goyim are one and the same to them. That's all there is to it in their minds.

You missed the 100m killed by Jewish communists in their global communist revolutions. Eastern Europe was devastated by it and Jews never paid a cent to compensate for it.

Because if I made that argument then normies would stop listening to me.

Baby steps. The Jews use it in their conditioning of the goy, and it's the smartest thing they do.


The thing most consistent about kikes is that they will always find ways to disgust me even more; I'm always surprised when it happens, but I shouldn't be.

Hitler wrote about this same phenomenon in Mein Kampf 90 years ago. In fact, it’s uncanny how applicable his observations are to how things are now.

One of Finkelsteins interviews, there was long interview where he really got into details on how both his parents were in camps got robbed by jew organizations, but somehow that specific interview "disappeared" online, Salon gives chunk of but its jew friendly

70 years. 70 years, they've got all the money you could ask for, they're the wealthiest minority... and all they want oh so badly is shekels.

I don't think its about the shekels. It's more about:

Fuck these people. "Needy Holocaust survivors". BTW Jewish special interest groups don't even give their reward money to the needy, Jewish or otherwise. It always ends up in the pockets of some fat heebs who run the organizations.

Basically, there are 100s of Jewish community organizations in the US that survive on fundraising. Like Anti-Defamation League, Aipac, United Jewish Federation, etc. There's even one called "The Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations".

Jewish community organizer is like a career path, a lot like doctor, lawyer, engineer, etc. And to be successful, you've got to be a good fundraiser. So, these organizations focus on issues like this one or making settlements in Israel or whatever else. They tell their wealthy Jewish donors: if you don't support this cause, you're not a real Jew or you're contributing to end of Jewish community. These organization's leadership guilt trips donors to get more donations and higher salaries.

Many of them are really just politicians playing on wedge issues like this one. The actual money they get from Poland is a pittance and is just an advertisement for making sure their steady stream of donor money doesn't end.

Take this bullshit for instance:

It's almost impossible for me to believe that Jews are targeted more than blacks, hispanics, asians, or Muslims. And you read through it and the comments section. You'll quickly see what a crock of shit this is.

It doesn't take a genius to see that the organizations guys like this work for will scare their Jewish donors by telling them: "Jews are being targeted. Give us money or it'll be 1933 all over again."

But this is true of many organizations - conservative and liberal. NRA, Black Lives Matter, Southern Poverty Law Center: they thrive in the presence of divisions and chaos.

To those asking why the US is allowed to have anything to do with foreign countries and their assets/wealth: because Jews. And if you don't like what they're doing, then you're no different from a Nazi who was able to gas and cremate 100 people per hour or something.

George Bush did 9/11.


Been loving the vibe of this sub lately.

I have a message for George W Bush - stop dropping bombs on the children

The most controversial article 3 of S. 447 postulates: “in the case of heirless property, the provision of property or compensation to assist needy Holocaust survivors, to support Holocaust education, and for other purposes”. In fact, the concept of so-called “heirless property” carries a clear contradiction in terms, as heirless property refers to properties of the Polish citizens that legally and orderly escheated to the Polish state. The organizations making such extralegal claims on heirless property have according to the Polish law and international legal standards absolutely no legal standing.

The payback for this shit is going to be fucking incredible

No more brother wars. This time we stand together.

I love it, so many Right wingers and left wingers are both in the pockets/control of aipac and ADL.


Israel is our greatest ally.

US Jews contribute half of all donations to the Democratic Party Jewish donors give 25% of the Republican National Convention’s cash.

Whenever get bored i read some of these, some of this magical shit was put in as fact during the Nuremberg trials

Polish didn't suffer enough... They were invaded by 2 different countries in ww2 and many sent to concentration camps. Israel and the USA just kicking them in the teeth now.

compensation to assist needy Holocaust survivors

I’m willing to bet that there isn’t a single “Holocaust” survivor in Poland who has less money than the average Pole. It’s a pretty poor country, but the Jews will keep sucking it dry as long as it defies the multicult EU agenda. Anybody remember the Nazi treasure train story? A stash of loot taken from Polish Christians by the Nazis was discovered and Jews claimed rights to it because of muh holocaust.

Its Jewish justice. To them, its fair when they have 100% of everything and others don't have anything. I've read that this ask would be to the tune of $65 billion. Poland cannot afford to pay that even if they wanted to. It would bankrupt them.

This plan of theirs will either work, and Poland will go under and be forced to become EU cucks again, or it will backfire, and the Holocaust excuse will lose credibility in the eyes of many people.

Because if I made that argument then normies would stop listening to me.

Baby steps. The Jews use it in their conditioning of the goy, and it's the smartest thing they do.
