The Danny Ross Playbook

85  2018-04-25 by AcrobaticWatercress

  1. Sign up for a new Reddit account.

  2. Start posting insider gossip in r/opieandanthony threads. Make sure it confirms whatever theories are currently popular on the sub but don't actually say anything that's not already a matter of public record.

  3. Wait a couple of weeks so that all the regulars know you're dishing dirt with no ulterior motive.

  4. Post a thread where you beg for money using a half-assed cover story.

  5. Raise less money than Joe Cumia's IndieGoGo.

  6. Realize that nobody on the sub gives a shit about you.

  7. Start threatening people like a baby boy.

  8. Get angry when posters comment on your ancestry.

  9. Quit Reddit after vowing never to return.

  10. Wait a year.

  11. Go to step 1.


Don't forget: post endlessly how this sub is obsessed with you while answering every comment directed at you.

Look at his post history too, hes on here NONSTOP hes worse than anythony on twitter. Hours at a time telling people to get off reddit and get a life lol

I'm not posting threads about me all day that's for sure.

just get a real job. this is a hobby, not a place to make money.

You're correct. There is many, many other people doing that for fun, and you're taking time out of your day to address all of them.

You're a simpleton, Danny. You were never funny. The only thing you ever bought to the show was conflict, and even that was made funny by others.

Take a break. This isn't healthy. Just ask Anthony, Joe, Opie, Jim or any number of other people who have tried to swim against the current here.

Meanwhile people here will quote bits I produced all day long and make cute usernames from them.

Where's that PackageOfSositch guy. Let's get a round of "what's wrong with the _______ we got" going.

I can't speak for anyone else here, but I don't quote any of that shit, nor have I seen anybody else quote it in a long time.

You signed off on David joining the show. Don't try to take credit for what he did on the show though. He would have done that whether you were there or not.

Like reading written lines during the David & Bobo show? Like that?

You weren't the only guy involved in that show. As far as I could tell it was Sam providing those lines, which he often did at other times.

Yes you're right. Sam and I wrote the lines.

At least you're honest.


You wouldn't be here if it wasn't for my David!

The sad smattering of 'bits' you claim to have produced is not impressing anyone.

The one piece of production I remember is you screaming about killing a baby with all this over produced horseshit in the background. It was terrible.

Other then that the only thing you're known for is arguing with everyone and sucking off anthony.

Please stop claiming to have produced anything with OnA, you had no part in their success.


Danny, i like you but I would like you more if you found out how to get David back on the goddamn air. That would really smooth you over with all the fags on this sub

From what I hear David straight up runs in the other direction if you mention the show. I kinda don't blame him either.


Where's that PackageOfSositch guy. Let's get a round of "what's wrong with the _______ we got" going.

Nice finding videos online and calling it producing, stupid.

Thanks! We were also playing Chocolate Rain before anyone and I booked Tay Zonday. But that's just online videos and Facebook.

Did you pay moot a portion of your salary?


Thanks! We were also playing Chocolate Rain before anyone and I booked Tay Zonday.

About 2 years after everyone had already stopped giving a fuck about him, which is 10 billion years in internet time.

This guy mocks midwesterners for opiate addiction and southerners for being fat rednecks then cries when fact-based Jew stereotypes are applied to him



I feel bad for him, imagine being 45 and having this be your whole life?

Hi pot! Have you met kettle?

No, who's kettle? Tss.



Even when you don't tag him he answers. My first contact with him under his new BlueAwning name was him replying angrily to some post I made about how Danny was a fag. You could tell by the way he wrote it he wanted to sound like some fan but it had too much detail and came off like Danny defending himself. I even said it before I knew it was him and he just silently slunked away

The moment Danny went full Cumia with threats of "shutting down the sub"... Nuff said.

I honestly think this little meltdown of his is because his podcast wasn't better received.

The thing is It's not like people have been bashing it either, everyone is just completely indifferent to it despite having a stickied post advertising it for more than a week.

It's the most generic, forgettable piece of shit imaginable yet he's not stopped bragging about how much of a genius he is for being able to make it in his own.


It was okay. I'd give another episode a listen. Certainly not good enough yet for ads.

^ this is Danny on an alt account using his serbian jew double bluff

Fortunately no.

Then shut up

That's hurtful

Given that his only memorable on-air moments involve him being a complete bitch I'm not sure why he thought anybody would listen to his podcast.

Thanks for knowing about my podcast! I appreciate all the free plugs I've been getting from people like you :)

Oh shit you have a podcast? Nice, I definitely won't be checking it out

Oh no.


You're welcome kike.

I'm sure "plugs" in this echo chamber where everyone already knows about your podcast and could not give a shit about it are doing you a lot of good.

Putting up the numbahs -

Yet still nobody listens


Every year is another year the daily consumption of alcohol and Xanax are slowly withering Danny's brain and making him more desperate. As the loneliness sets his current schizophrenia will ramp up and his posts will become more manic. I would say we have another Chris Kuhn but Danny doesn't have a family.

What happened to his family? They trade him for a piece of silver?

Friendly reminder that Danny gets triggered when he is called a manlet,ugly or bald. The Jew "sue everyone" story is just a coverup. What trully hurts him is when he is called a small,bald ugly man,especially when he is drinking,which is often.

/u/porsalin is a known queer

I thought the podcast would be more gossip shit but revoked my patronage when I heard it was pop culture stuff. I can confirm not a single sheckle went to Mr. Ross.

Sticky this.

Did that bitch delete his account and quit again?

Uh. No?

Fuck off

Feel free to message the mod team and have me banned. Thanks.

I don't want you banned, otherwise I can't tell you to eat shit.

Eat shit.



What bothered me was the “you know who I am and I don’t know who you are” posts. It’s a twist on “do you know who I am?” A real celebrity like Robert Downey Jr. would get ripped apart for that and he’s an actual fucking super star. Even for as scummy as most celebrities are, they know enough not to respond to fan criticism that way, they understand how douchey and shitty that is. Plus, without doxxing anyone, he’d be shocked to find out who a few of the regulars here actually are. So he’s even factually incorrect.

I think pretty much anyone from the ONA universe and also the skank universe checks here every day.

Ron and Fez, too

He also lost at Guitar Hero

Funny if you search the Danny's username from when he was here 2 years ago, u/DannyFromTheShow, You see all the same shit.

Losers begging him for an AMA:

People washing his balls:

People being reminded that he's a kike:

And his eventual departure:

The only difference is that this time we forcibly ousted him. Last time he got what he wanted and slithered away.

This happens with everyone from the show. I can kind of understand people sucking up to Anthony when he used to post here, but Danny? That faggot wasn't even really part of the show, he was just some background douche that deluded himself into thinking he's funny or entertaining because he was surrounded by entertaining people.

The Danny Ross Playbook:

Derp, Derpa, deee.



Did he really make less than Joe?

What's to say? I have a collection of dopes making threads about me all day long. How is this my problem. It's all of yours.

unemployable jew homo

I'm so happy Danny's return to the sub was at the feet of an anonymous argument he had with me, where he didn't tell anyone he was Danny but every single person reading it could tell it was Danny because of the shitty, sniveling way he defended every little defenseless action of Danny's from 2007.

We had a solid 2 dozen people on the sub who were being their regular wishy washy flip flopping "all I need is one side remark and I'll giggle and worship you online for a month" faggots who we have on here. Most of the sub just ignored him aside from wanting to hear funny dirt.

After I made fun of Danny he went through my post history and started making threads on some old Sub page I started as a backup for this one if it gets taken down. The retard accidentally did an AMA with O&A sub posters who followed him there.

I also can't believe he thinks that podcast is worth money. It sounds like the parts of Ferris Bueller where he talks to the camera and he actually brags about writing short paragraphs.

Can you link me to where he was defending his actions in the third person? What a dork

Almost like a protocol of some sort

You forgot the step where he sells bootleg Nintendos

Poor fella, now he’s going to have to crawl back to try to get that job for washing Anthony’s balls with his mouth.

It really is a race to the bottom with this gaggle of assholes.