Danny Raus

17  2018-04-25 by OutlawMemer


Damn those teeth look like a mummys.

He never brushed after Ant's alcoholic loads.

This picture is from 2005 when I was a pack a day smoker.

It's all you have. Shit from 13 years ago. What dolts.

Do 2,500 words on the negative effects smoking has on one's dental health.

I mean, I could. It would be more creative writing than this entire sub has done combined. I guess with the exception of that guy who likes to write gay fan fiction about Anthony and I.

Keep your fucking comments to yourself.

"Keep your stupid comments in your pocket!"

I took a creative writing class in high school and one in college last year and I got a B+ in both buddy... buzz off why don't ya

I remember gay fanfiction about Anthony and Keith but not you.

You can’t write shit.

Really? I'm seeing 3506 words for my upcoming episode.

Shill somewhere else, nobody listens to your shit here.

End that sentence with “Anthony and me” you dumb fuck. Brag some more about how well you write.

Not bragging. Just that I do. All you write is kike, fag and heeb.

WOW. Skillzzzzz

I'm sure you're a 6'0" Adonis with a gorgeous nose these days, Donny.

I'm 5'7". And my nose isn't nearly as big as it could be. I mean, if that's all you got pal, go for it. I have a big nose. I'm short. I'm balding.

Oh noes. My feelings.


You think about those things several times a day, Donny. It eats you up.

You're right. Maybe 10 years ago. Now it's a game. I play this sub like a game of Monopoly.

Uncle Pennybags is a name befitting of a Joooooooo!

You’re a cunt. So how long before you come crawling back to this sub looking for attention?

Back? Am I gone?

BigGreenYamo was about to mod me last night. Turned him down. I think I may reconsider however.

You’d fit right in with all the other faggot mods.

Yes “back”. You’ll run off like you have done many times in the past.

tss yeah or maybe a daddys DVV DVV DVV


Did he message you at all after you schooled him in that other thread?

No. And I have yet to see him win an argument with one of our autists. He's a tenacious little idiot, but a little idiot all the same. He tries to get the last word, but he's too fucking dumb.



Sue ME?!


Sue everybody!

Jews all around!

Another thread about me!


Nice sideburns

Thanks! Post some other MySpace photos of me from 2005. Blast from the past!

Old enough to know you’re a faggot.


Being 15 in 2005 is all you can come up with? Sick burn!

you whored for attention and now you’re getting it you dumb kike. don’t be salty because it’s all negative. i bet you imagined us congratulating you on your essays about 80s science fiction.

you whored for attention and now you’re getting it you dumb kike. don’t be salty because it’s all negative. i bet you imagined us congratulating you on your essays about 80s science fiction.

Thanks for listening!

no the titles of your shitcast are in your post history. i didn’t have to listen to see what the topics were, but you should’ve been able to work that out yourself. keep up, kike

Shitting on something you haven't heard?? THIS PLACE? I don't believe.

i’m shitting on you bragging about writing a blog length essay on movies and being pretentious about it. it’s really funny. but yes i’m also going to safely assume your podcast sucks based on how shitty you are.

also, kike.

First of all. Let's get a few facts out of the way.

You're trying to make fun of me for writing. Not sure how that works. Two, episodes clock in around 24-30 minutes so and with the video, production takes me literally all week to complete.

You act like it's super easy. Do it then. If mine sucks so much, can I see yours? That's all. I'll even listen to it first before I take a hot shit on it.

you bragged about writing 2000 words on a subject of your choosing with no time limitations. it’s a completely unremarkable feat. you then challenge other people to do the same thing so you can pretend an unwillingness to complete an arbitrary task like that is actually an inability and lack of creativity. that’s what we’re making fun of.

was that clear enough for you, dumb kike? no one said anything about production or video editing or whatever the fuck. keep up.

You're just talking now to talk.

If you want to shit on my show, then put together your own 25 min piece with video. Then you can shit. Until then? You just talk. And talk. And talk.

and all you do is make impractical demands as a cop out to avoid formulating any actual rebuttal.

“travel hundreds of miles and come find me in real life and say that to my face”

“make a podcast or else you can’t make fun of me”

no. no one is going to do these things for you and it doesn’t change the fact that you’re an ugly old kike.

I'm 37, and my last gf was a model.

Thanks for playing.

did you let other guys fuck that one too, cuck?

This Post is very Cumia-esque. You learned at the feet of the master

So now I can't even just state facts? You people are truly bizarre.

Back to obscurity with us!

Well. Yeah? I mean, this whole sub is dedicated to obscure radio show which ended 4 years ago.

Today this sub obsessed over an ex-producer of said show who hasn't worked there in 5 years.

Obscurity indeed.

It's more about our own inside jokes and juvenile teasing at this point.

The hate you're getting makes no sense to me tbh. We just like trashing anyone associated with the show because we miss it and Ant is turning into a senile old fool and it's a huge bummer.

It's a mob mentality. You guys do it with Rogan, Schumer, DeRosa. I'm the obsession du jour today because that's what all your friends were doing. You want to be cool too don't you? You should see the DM's I get from people telling me their too scared to say something nice because they're afraid to be made fun of.

That shit was sad.

Being nice to you is consequence free. What do I have to lose? Reddit Karma? People are so silly.

You should see the DM's I get from people telling me they're too scared to say something nice because they're afraid to be made fun of.


and you obsessively respond to every one of our posts lmfao.

You can't make fun of me for that while you're matching me post for post. You don't even see that do you.

i’m not denying it and that’s my point. you called us obsessed but here you are with us.

You guys kill my phone battery with all your messages.

Where's the sub that talks about you all day? Link me.

you come here for attention and you’re getting it, you ugly little kike

You're too pussy to acknowledge valid criticism or any real questions so you stick to responding to comments calling you a jew so that you can make yourself look like the better person when in reality you're just as bad if not worse than Anthony who you despise and obsess over. So stick to crying about being called a kike and reciting "another post about me" over and over again while ignoring the fact that you self admittedly were complicit in statutory rape

LMAO bro, that chick barely spoke English and your cousin set you up with her. How did that end? She dump your ugly ass. All seeing eyes.

You talk shit about GTA, where's your video game? You talk shit about the most recent James Bond film, where's your movie? You talk shit about the Opie and Anthony show, where's your radio show? You're a fucking hypocritical, lying, mentally ill, loser. Why don't you try holding yourself to the same standards you hold others too in your deranged mind?

Not everyone's retirement plan is podcasting, Danny.

It has been the Danny SubReddit lately. I do enjoy some of the people who post here but others just typing nigger, fag, kike, etc are ruining this place and probably could get shut down pretty easily at this point.

Everyone also seems to be flip floppers with people involved from a radio show that died awhile ago.

Go ahead and downvote me.

I do enjoy some of the people who post here but others just typing nigger, fag, kike, etc are ruining this place and probably could get shut down pretty easily at this point.


that’s a face that’s oozing creativity. i bet he could write a 5000 word essay comparing blade runner to robocop effortlessly.

Do it. I fucking dare you. Probably wouldn't say kike in a mall either. Fuckin' bitch.

i bet you’re not even willing to find out where i’m located, take off from work or school, dedicate time and money traveling to said location, finding me and saying that to my face. coward. it’s not because doing that is impractical and psychotic, it’s because you’re scared.

We all know he wouldn't show up to fight anyway.

I don’t give a shit if this place goes but we will never hear the end of it from Fake Edge & Gravel Face if this place would get shut down. They would take credit for it somehow too.

Ant is garbage. Maybe Danny shouldn’t have plugged his podcast. Didn’t bother me that he did but now it’s being used against him cause people are pissed he was getting tired of all the slurs that could get this place shut down.

This place does flip flop around on their opinions of people involved in the O+A world.

Keep dishing those downvotes.

When did the Jews take over the name “Ross.” Or was it kiked from the beginning? Maybe it’s a varient of Roth.

I believe it can be traced back to the first Roth, that shoved his spear into Jesus rib.

It's anglicized, Dr Steve mentioned talking to Danny about it here. Odd how Danny says he's not jewish yet changed his name, why would that be?