Deadpool wasn't great.

0  2018-04-24 by Every1ShouldBKilled

It was fine...but the whole movie reminded me about the kids in high school who were high-functioning autistics that were in every honors class, but were too smart and too awkward to be funny. They would try anyway, but their sense of humor was either too inside or introspective, or something from a Monty Python computer game that you had no idea existed, that they would have to then walk you through just to land the joke.

That's what Deadpool was. Deadpool 2 will probably be more of the same.


Nigga, what the fuck are talkin about?

hahahahaha, im sorry thats funny

Deadpool. It's a movie that douchebags faggots and edgelords alike seem to enjoy thoroughly. Just imagine the Spider-Man and his unapologeticly corny sense of humor, pepper in some foul language and you have yourself a Deadpool film.

I hate Rick and Morty fans if that helps

me too

it does yes


Timely review. What did you think of The Deer Hunter?

Cazale is great.

Jaws sucked horse dick

It seems that everything that guy's in wins an Oscar or sumpthin'.

Are you saying a superhero film isn't made any better by sex, swearing or gore?

Brave take.

It was awful

Most fucking movies suck. We just saw A Quiet Place, which got rave reviews from all sorts of sites. Movie fucking sucked and was beyond boring. Save your money.

Who's "we"...your sugar?

Best part of deadpool 2 is a black women died because of diversity.

This was quite the riveting review, thanks for sharing.

I look forward to reading your thoughts on the next thing you watch in void of you having any one in your life to tell this asinine bullshit to.

It was a funny send-up of the shitty things inherent to the genre that were begging to be lampooned, and it kept retarded prepubescents at a distance through an admirable use of an R-rating. It was far superior to every other superhero movie since The Dark Knight, solely because of the comedic entertainment value. The things that worked the first time around probably aren't going to come off as fresh in the sequel, though, and it's now inevitably going to become as deficient as the other properties it poked fun at by being little more than table setting for an extended universe, that wipes out any stakes, gravity, or consequences. Another bad sign for the sequel is the original director jumping ship to Terminator because he was reportedly butting heads with egotistical Ryan Reynolds.

Too jokey for me.

I don't know what the fuck that is