How the Cumias see themselves vs. Reality

138  2018-04-24 by StraightOuttaContra


The little kids kissing really brings it home.

Pussy = Joey Diaz Tony = Artie Christopher = Keith Paulie = Anthony Hesh = Danny Silvio = DiPaolo Furio = ???

maybe Furio = Gavin

Hmm. But Furio wasn't gay and lusted over white women.

Joe Cumia is like Jimmy Bones. The Elvis impersonator that pussy beat to death with a hammer.

Wow yeah

I was thinking he’d be Johnny Cakes, the fag biker.

Uncle Joey an't no fuckin rat, jack.

Personality wise he couldn’t be farther but’s closer than will Ferrell to Chad smith

The only one that actually makes sense is Carmela = Dawn

They all Vito

Ohhbhhh what do you want from me?

Your honor, this is totally fabricated. All of it.

And I'm not pedophile.

Other than economic situAtions, they're basically the same.

fuckin was funny when he slipped and fell after he was shot.....

While you’re here let’s see if he can give you a bulge, doc, see if you remove this ladies underwear

The funny part is that David Chase presented the guys in The Sopranos as classes, selfish, and sometimes emotionally fragile loudmouths who masqueraded as being hot shit. Only someone with a surface-level understanding of the show would think that these were cool guys who you wanted to be.

Even if you don't care about them being evil, sociopaths, etc, Tony Soprano is the only guy who appears rich, but he doesn't seem like a millionaire. It's not like they are living the dream.

I think Italians actually relate to the show. The guy everyone looks up to makes 6 figures a year.

Exactly. Kind of like with the constant racism. It was supposed to make them look stupid, but to Ant it just makes them relatable.

When you watch the Sopranos you can just envision how your typical Italian and boomer american lived vicariously through fat ass james galdonfini's "bad ass" moments.

Wow, what a noble guy stickin up for what's right even tho he's tortured by his misdeeds

He was gay, Gary Cooper?

Fake news, none of the cumias are freebasing cocaine.

Cuck Dynasty

What's with Italians and that show anyways?