Tits takes a shot at J&S

117  2018-04-24 by Random1200


As bad as the show was it was still better than J&S

he's not wrong

“Oh my god...” under his breath.

Do yu buliv in god Lewie?


This from the faggot who cockblocked Dipaolo from coming on the show for the better part of a decade.

This. Please don't let anyone show any sympathy for this fat titted idiot. The only thing good he's done lately is not be on the radio.

The only thing good he's done lately is not be on the radio.

Honestly I wish he would get back on the radio. We need blood in the water.


I just typed that as an acknowledgement that I am a gay man and I love to suck on nasty dicks.

Who doesn't?

"I like how..."

I had no clue that this was the case. Do you gotta story about this, or a clip?

If I remember correctly, Opie was being his usual fat-titted self and Nick said: "What's the matter, Opie? Are you feeling a little sad?". That was the last time Nick was on the show for several years.


You don't remember correctly. That happened less than two years ago - just a couple months before O&J ended, so Opie couldn't have possibly kept Nick off the show for "several years".

Nick was on at least once every year except 2012 from 2008-2016. So he wasn't cockblocked "for the better part of a decade" either.

oh well 7 appearances in 8 years is much better.

2008-2016 is nine years. And it wasn't just one visit a year, you stupid fuck.

He was on Opie & Jim right before they got split up. I don't think he was banned from anything.

Why did brothaman keep Dipaolo off

Congrats Sirius XM. Your show lineup is now so bad that I can't even be bothered to sign up for infinite free trials anymore.

I haven't done a Trial in over a year. Maybe longer. It is amazing how bad it has gotten over there. When people do not even want to spend the 3 minutes it takes to do a Free Trial, how can they expect people to want to pay any money? Strange...

how the fuck are they still in business?

Especially when their main studio is in Manhattan, i can’t fathom how much that’d cost, paying people like Jimmy millions of dollars. I don’t even bother with free trial, let alone pay a subscription. They must have a deal with car companies or something, and then people just end up keeping the sub after their trial runs out.

SXM is 100% only making money from people who probably aren't even aware they're still paying for it.

I'm guessing people assume they will be installed in all new cars, so they have been operating off of large stock market investments. Sirius actually has a quarterly growth in profit of 7.7%. 21.5% growth in stock price over a year.

I don't imagine it lasting, because it's obsolete compared to the internet, but right now they are doing fine, and new cars will just come with Sirius.

The classic Howard channel and Howard on demand shows are still good.

I did that from 2010 - 2015. Once Fez and Ant were gone everything went to shit.

I haven't had a subscription since O&A were suspended in 2007. Feels pretty damn good.

How do you do that?

Hes not lying



The Opester knows talent when he sees it. Maybe he could bring Nick over to Westwood One. He's building a podcast network you know.

The ON-show.

I would love it.

Too many problems in that room already.

And hilarity would ensue.

J&S are only staying around because of their weird as fuck intersectional crowd. You get the O&A holdovers, mixed with the virgin WWE fans, with some general standup fans. They cause a few interviews a year to trend on youtube and twitter and shit and that's just enough to keep the show on. The fact that they do shitty bits like 70's gameshows with pornstars rather than let's see how much of thus bat you can make disappear games will keep them forever in this loop right next to the chopping block.

I just want Sam unemployed long enough that he has to sell his WWE memorabilia collection for 50% of what it's worth, is that too much to ask?

I think jim and she have only a few thousand listeners at best. Sirius XM is a Ponzi scheme.

Daily live listeners you're probably right. But they make money off youtube, especially the isolated interviews of big name guests that trend like the Sean Astin video for example. I think Jim and Sam are safe as long as they churn out a few videos like that every year, the show runs off interns and a few guys making steady paychecks. Jim and Sam's lack of show-prep and stagnant viewership give them no leverage for asking for raises. They joke about negotiating higher pay but I think they'd both piss their pants if they tried, they can see the writing on the wall.

I would imagine its higher than that...people are creatures of habit. I bet there are thousands of people that listen to the show because they've been listening for years but couldn't tell you one thing they've enjoyed about it in a year.

I reflexively turn my radio to their channel every morning on my 45 minute drive into work. I can't remember the last time I listened to them for more 5 minutes before changing the channel. They're utterly terrible.

My guess is that there are a lot of people that do the same thing.

Of course that's not to much to ask. It's the least that we can all hope for

You get the O&A holdovers, mixed with the virgin WWE fans, with some general standup fans.

*truck drivers

For sure, its funny a normal caller from NY calls in and makes fun of the guys and maybe tries to be a hero and call them out on some bullshit. A trucker calls in and nearly breaks down in tears about how much the show means to them and the hard times it got them through on the road going all the way back to O&A. Jim and Sam awkwardly say thanks and the show goes on.

WWE memorabilia collection for 50% of what it's worth

WWE memorabilia is worth something?

Just like everything else, it's worth what someone will pay. And believe it or not there are a lot of pathetic idiots like Sam out their in the world. I don't care what they pay him for the cardboard boxes full of children's toys, as long as it's half as much as they resell them for the next day.

Is there a way we can tank the international market value of WWE memorabilia? Where there's a will there's a way!

If we could convince losers to stop being virgin losers we could solve all of the world's problems.

Maybe we can just help you

you can convince me not to be a virgin if you pull your pants down and bend over.


Jim & Sam's ratings are tanking, Jim's even kind of hinted at it. The O&A hold-overs are all nearly gone, the amount of wrestling fans/mma fans that listen are minuscule and quite frankly they're losing daily listeners every week. The show had some promise at the beginning but its boring and unfunny, maybe if Jim had someone funny to bounce off...

And the sad part is Jim & Sam really is the best show on their channel (Nick's show wasn't funny, just an angry old man mad at the world)

I'd like to believe that they're tanking as much as you, but i have as little proof as you. As little proof as anyone, even J&S don't know how they stack up compared to other shows, as they've stated many times. Sirius generally is losing subscribers, because free podcasts are on the rise and subscription radio is a dying breed for most people.

I don't get how you can say O&A hold-overs are nearly all gone, the show is talked about daily in this sub with multiple threads. Maybe you mean something else by that.

ME: Nick DiPaolo is the best thing that channel had going for it honestly. Nice try on the hate tho

Tss, yeah, more wiffleball bat challenges is just what 2018 is calling for asumptin

i just want sam to get left by jess for a real black man, i don't think that's asking too much.

Remember when everyone said that about him when opie was fired

The only reason I keep a sub with SXM is for Deep Tracks, Underground Garage, Tom Petty's old show, and the fact that I have to waste my time talking to mush-mouthed imbeciles in order to cancel it.

Ferguson needs to address this.

Boomers and older are still transfixed by fact you can listen to the same radio station on a road trip without losing reception. Satellite radio will be around a while longer. The US has a lot of 60 year olds that will live into their 90s

Gonna miss that NickDePaula.

Why the fuck is Opie up so early? Oh yeah, he's getting Bam's kid and the water head ready for school.

you're listening to 103.7 The Source with Bam's kid and the water head. snoooowaayyy

Of COURSE he watches MSNBC

It's a sad day when Tits has a point.

The Bonfire for me.

Even if Jay has the same sexual problem as Jim and needs to talk about it nonstop, at least at times it can be funny. Also, between him and Dan, they are at least funny and will understand that nobody cares about wrestling, and instead make jokes about it and themselves.

Opie is just jealous that they are still employed at SiriusXM.

Funny thing is, for all the hatred Opie has for SiriusXM, he certainly was praising them when he was still working there after Anthony got canned, and he never said word one about Westwood One before getting fired from SiriusXM.

*wouldn't ...idiot.

I'm not sure what to do when Opie is accidentally correct tho?

treat him like a broken clock

Listening to Opie be a delusional retard is infinitely more interesting than an episode of J&S.

Do yu buliv in god Lewie?

The only thing good he's done lately is not be on the radio.

Honestly I wish he would get back on the radio. We need blood in the water.
