Unemployed erock is a underrated storyline.

17  2018-04-24 by Dennyislife


The linked tweet was tweeted by @erockradio on Apr 24, 2018 08:19:27 UTC (0 Retweets | 5 Favorites)

Rewatching #marvel films before #InfinityWar. No one is tearing up during Yondu’s funeral, got that? No one. 😥 #gotgvol2


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Your grammar is shit.

You could have said:

"Nice grammar, stupid!"

You would have really gotten him then!

Erik will never make his old level of salery. Days of audio exists of how lazy and unemployable he is. Not to mention he is in a stagnant industry.

iirc he has a podcast next to a popeyes chicken.

Reminder: erock has over three times the followers ant has because he isnt an idiot

Superhero movies fucking suck. Sick of their linear plot, CGI buildings blowing up, and dumb predictable "humor" that contains inside circlejerk jokes. They're all extremely forgettable because they are entirely predictable. Fuck these moneygrabbing piece of shit movies.

Yes. I didn't know so many man babies were around.

Superhero movies are the embodiment of Reddit users as a whole. The same people who enjoy adding to a shitty pun thread with rant and rave about how Superman survived the evil doctor genius this time.....

Same with Star Wars. Fuck Star Wars. They make the movies to sell action figures, essentially, and people still debate what made the movies "good". People's standards for entertainment are way too low.

i agree. the REAL entertainment lies in dissecting a defunct radio show .

Well, it brings me more laughs and doesn't take two hours out of my day. So there.

Oh look the characters are making self referential quips about the bizarre situation they are in ... this movie has so many layers to it !

I’d agree but the last 4 marvel movies were all great: dr. strange, guardians of the galaxy 2, thor ragnorok, black panther - they were all different from what we’re used to, didn’t really follow a formula, great CGI, unique stories

Meh. What am I? 5?

Holy shit you can't be a smart or interesting person. There's no way. The twist was the cast is black. The twist was the CGI made it look like the big explosions were bigger and more realer. True waterhead shit. I tried to like the ones I watched to understand what's wrong with you faggots and it's clearly not me it's you.

I didn't mean to call you a faggot just purblind and autistic, sorry

Holy shit you can't be a smart or interesting person. There's no way. The twist was the cast is black. The twist was the CGI made it look like the big explosions were bigger and more realer. True waterhead shit.

says the guy who literally posts in no other subreddit besides this one.

the twist wasn't that the "cast was black", you dumb mother fucker, the point of the story was loyalty to your country even if you don't like your leader, forgiveness, slavery, and other themes.

this was a story about differences between african-americans vs africans, opening up to the world, portraying the african-american who wanted armed revenge for slavery as the bad guy (but sympathetic), and the african who ignored the rest of the world as the naive king.

introducing all those different tribes from the different regions had that lord of the rings vibe to it. they created a whole new world & new lore we'd never seen before.

it was a liberal, but anti-revolution/anti-leftist/anti-revenge for slavery story.

youre too fucking stupid to figure any of this out, just like the dumb blacks on twitter who take this movie and turn it into "we wuz kingz".

no matter your stupidity, the movie was great, and it had a good message about moving forward. what the fuck does your gay ass want, more shit like the Roots remake? More black comics dressing up like women in comedies? More slave movies? More gang movies? We finally get something different and you faggots on the internet still find a way to be gay.

They're fucking horrible. If you like them you are probably not an intelligent person. I haven't met any smart people who like super hero movies.


Nice 90's ska band shorts, stupid

Erock is a fat asshole.

Harsh but fair.

One more year and this tub of lard will start collecting benefits like a N-person.

no one would care if he died

Also: Erik tries to actively cheat on his wife.

Where we at with the "E-Rock has a drinking problem" storyline? I think physically it makes sense but I never pegged him for a drunk. SNOWWAAAYYY

ERock still seems like he'd be a fun guy to hang out with on the regular.

what in the hell is that fucking twitter picture ?