Fuck Nick Dip!!! Happy he's fired.

0  2018-04-24 by scorezman

That is all, let the down votes commence.


It's rare that an opinion can be so controversial and yet so boring.

His show sucked balls. All he did was bitch about his job. Whadya expect?

All it was, was bitching about Liberals, blacks, and SJW. Rinse repeat.

Pretty much Live From the Compound light.

Really Jim and Sam are next.

We can only hope. The best would be if they kept Sammy and fired Jim.

He had his moments, but he was stupid and his rants made no sense. He should have stuck with comedian interviews and jokes.

Howard had Nick fired,tellem Fred.

Oh no, where else am I going to hear some old wop complain about minorities?

If you like to also hear the same sopranos references every show as well, check out cum-pound media....:just give them another year to get a the app working.

The last I cared about him was on O&A vs. Bill Burr. I never listened to his show a single time, just find the guy so god damn boring.

Best show on the channel. Lefties just can't handle opinions they don't agree with.