I have plenty of things to do to be perfectly honest with ya. Sniff.

78  2018-04-24 by RBuddCumia


finally. he's back with his laptop. now he can get to work on some twitter.

Damn Ant really stinks now

He ssssssssstinks

But do you like him?

He'd be happier if he was out.

We all would, jungles, we all would.

We need to end this, and by end this I mean get him banned from twitter again.

It would absolutely consume his vacation.


hes half in the bag

Fuck movies!

Is he on some stupid cruise again?

Cruises are for drunks and white trash

So that's a yes?

Ant is hardly white but, yes

Cool. Back to the hotel with your young chick. Let's jump on Twitter. That will get her cunt juices flowing.

I don't understand this addiction. How could you waste so much of your life doing this shit, especially in old age when the clock is running out

Is it just for attention? Hoo-ley shit

All these tweets make me sad

Im beginning to think he really does have a wet brain.

Back to the room with his Tween after Dinner with the Captain and 4 bottles of Red wine. A couple of quick Tweets before watching Goodfellas and an episode of Seinfeld. 2 Xanax and bed. Thats how you live it up on the high seas folks. He probably brought his Karaoke rig so he can sing Neil Diamond in his Suite. Ha ha Ho-Lee shit!!!

I don't ever understand the second half of that response

I think he meant send an itinerary for me to follow, after trying to puzzle it out. I also think that's what's missing from the first part. Something planned for me.

You really make yourself sound like a horse's asshole when you try to be a smartass but you have wet brain.

Itinerary item #1: Visit ailing mother before she dies.

Still hilarious!

sad idiot

Cruises are for drunks and white trash

But do you like him?