REMINDER: Anthony 'the cuckold' Cumia married the woman that brother Joe used to fuck.

91  2018-04-24 by Kizzner

Ol' wetbrain Tranpa is a porridge-stirrer.


That is awful and true.

And hen he had to fork over millions to her and the bloated attorney

Not to mention 10s of thousands a year to his brother

He can't even stomach other man fighting his battle for him

They really are white trash

Cumias somehow absorb all negative racial stereotypes.

They are not white

They really are trash

Human garbage

He also date his niece

To be fair, she was really hot, classy and smart.

and funny and brave

Nice bangs, stupid.

What poor excuse for a man, would voluntarily suck his brothers seed out of some chicks cunt.


From looking at her, you can tell he married her just to avoid the confrontation of telling her no.

Makes a lot of sense why he goes after young vulnerable girls. They don't challenge his power or masculinity because that wench dominated him. Makes a ton of sense actually. All the relationships he had before her were a ton better, he wants to go back to the days before his manhood was stolen by a hideous wench.

I've always suspected Joe was still banging her on the side after she and Anthony got married. Anthony used to tell the story of how she flipped out on his mom at their wop reception about how Joe was hitting on her cousin. At first glance you assume she didn't want Joe befouling her cousin but when you think about it you realize she was jealous. The only thing that would have made it better would have been if Joe knocked her up, tying Anthony to her for life and making him pay for a child that wasn't his.

how is he supposed to get hard in a pussy if there's no man cum in it?

They really are trash