Doug Stanhope isn't that funny anymore. He's become the rich man's Doug Benson.

0  2018-04-24 by FanOfBenjamin72

He's a self absorbed idiot, his podcast stinks and now he's mildy Roganish. Fuck off.


Yeah you are

Dude, Stanhope’s crazy man, he like is drunk all the time and it’s really edgy...

Alt account fuck

Deal with it bitch

What a fag.

Another faggot who wants me to understand his feelings. Fuck off.

Can't knock that response.

He's doing too many podcasts too quickly, because he needs to pay for all of Bingo's hospital bills, and he signed a couple of advertising contracts that require X podcasts per month.

I saw him in person during his recent tour; he's still funny.

I saw him a year ago, wasn’t great but still much better than most.

He gave his brain cells so we could have dassabesso.

he's been pretty soft for a while

I've listened to his podcast intermittently over the years but i can't listen to it regularly, its honestly not that great. Doug is one of the funniest live comedians i've ever seen, I saw him 3 times over a 1 year period and he barely did any of the same material (The only bit he did each time was one about how Indian men in large groups rape women, and if it was okay to stop rape using racism, but you could tell he was working that one out and told the joke differently each time).

People suck Doug's dick a little too hard, and his podcast may a depressing pile of suck, but he murders overtime he's on stage.

Yeah I heard the Indian gang rape bit a couple of weeks ago. He threatens indian call centre women with gang rape because he is sensitive to their culture. Then 10 minutes on why Indian men have to impregnate via gang rape because they are the weakest breed of men. God damned hilarious.

He hasn't been very funny in years. He's a cynical old drunk that believes in nothing.

He's the greatest. Comedy=Stanhope. His podcast is listen to fucking OandA related shit but can't wait for the inevitable genius in his show? All his specials are the best comedy specials ever with Carlins last few being up there. Stanhope keeps getting better, the only people that don't like him are people he makes fun of