How Ant sees himself when he gets banned on Twitter versus how everyone else sees him

215  2018-04-24 by throwawaymanthrows


Ant needs to clean his room and slay his dragons.

Or just die already

Or just come out and make an honest woman out of Susanne Lightning.

That girl deserves better.



That’s on you.

So is my load after a 3 hour tranny film fest.


He'll get a shotgun wedding and a stain on his shirt

Ant will wear a dress.

If it has a hole in the back.

dont beleive everthing that you read Ant will have a speeding violation and some maggots on his sleeve (Get it? cause hes a ghoul)

Hey, chippersan, just a quick heads-up:
beleive is actually spelled believe. You can remember it by i before e.
Have a nice day!

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hay mispelling bat Go fuck yurselff

Dat cocksucka buried you!

you deserved it for misspelling such a simple word

Ant looks like he shaved his face with a mace in the dark Fuck I hope him and Joe someday get on food stamps and live in a trailer park.

And mommy's shoes.

Or drive his rental van.

You never really catch the dragon

To Bill Brasky!

Bill Brasky once fucked Anthony and Joe at the same time


Jordan Peterson is a hack


I'm not the biggest Sam Harris fan, but christ does he destroy Peterson's non nonsensical ramblings here.

This episode in particular is full of Sam Harris' own version of HOLD ON, HOLD ON, HOLD ON.

I was waiting for Sam to say "LET'S GO TO A PHONE CALL"

non nonsensical?


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/u/eganwall why do you reddit faggots make the most annoying bots? Fuck off

/u/eganwall you and your bot are faggots


Agreed. And there's this creepy cult of personality thing going on with him on the internet where people just cream themselves at every word of brilliance he utters.

Guys like him, dave Rubin, Ben Shapiro are seen as gods because they represent intellectual conservatism.

or Alex Jones: Anthonys boss

As opposed to liberal intellectuals like... um... Don Lemon?


Rubin is an anti-sjw liberal

Peterson isn't even "conservative." I think he's smart because he taught at Harvard, his papers are some of the most widely cited social science articles of the last decades, and he's made some really interesting original contributions to our understanding of the world.

Recently he gives his opinion on everything, which is always dangerous, especially if you have your internal dialogue in front of the world. So some whacky stuff comes out from time to time. Meh.

The fuck? Peterson absolutely is conservative

That’s blasphemy in these parts, i was relentlessly attacked on this sub because I said I didn’t even know who he was a couple months ago & that really triggered some members of this sub for some reason. I honestly wasn’t aware of him, I don’t know why that was a problem.

Stop feeling sorry for yourself.

No idea what this means & I don’t care.

"Months ago I got some downvotes, gee whiz :("

I don’t care.

Says guy who clearly cares a lot.

Stop feeling sorry for yourself.


Posts comment crying about being downvoted months ago.

Posts comment about how much you don't care as you dab tears from your eyes.

That doesn’t sound like me but I can’t remember what I posted 2 days ago let alone what I posted months ago. Better question is how do you remember my posts or could it be that you remember incorrectly? Btw you really got a bug up your ass about me, what was that triggered you so hard?

If you can't remember what you posted 2 months ago (check your post history) then why are you complaining about being downvoted? You don't even know what you said

Better question is how do you remember my posts or could it be that you remember incorrectly?

Because of your post history, anyone can check it. I really can't believe you're this retarded, I think your just trolling

Lol, sorry making fun of a retard for being retarded is funny to me. Hope this solves the mystery for you of why I'm replying to your replies, stupid.

he's not though

Jim and sam talked about his ban this morning. Jim said something along the lines of "come on Anthony what are you doing, just get the fuck off twitter"

Actually it was Sam who said that. Jim defended that he shouldn’t be banned for what he did.

I’m shocked

Well, Sam is a little sensitive

I've been listening to a lot of interviews with Jordan Peterson lately. Was very surprised and sad to hear he was religious. The same with Colbert a few years ago.

It's a tough one man. Catholicism is a real motherfucker.

He just lectures about the psychological meaning of religion. He doesn't actually believe any of that shit.

Hmm, I listened to him on JRE and h3h3 and am pretty sure said he was religious. But at the same time, because I am an annoying atheist, I then only half listened to the religious talk after that.

His father was deeply religious, pretty sure he's not religious himself and just knows a lot about it and has some kinda small respect for it even though he's a big fag lib now.

He's not a believer in a literal interpretation of the bible but views it like a philosophy book. He says all societies need "universal moral teachings" to survive and Christianity has been the easiest way to accomplish this. But he doesn't believe a man was swallowed by a whale or a battle of Armageddon will happen or anything.

I truly don't understand how smart people can be religious.

Totally! My fedora is engorged just thinking about logic and reason!!

I truly don't understand how people don't understand how smart people can be religious.

Wow that's pretty surprising about Colbert, there's something massively "atheist" about his whole personality.

He’s like the most hardcore catholic in show business.

I'm not from the US so my knowledge of him is based around his tv show...isn't he a character though?

His Late Show persona is not a character. His Colbert Report persona was definitely a character. But the real guy is very religious.

He's seriously a Sunday School teacher.

He's never said he practices any religion. He has done a lecture series covering the societal significance of the biblical stories.

Psychological significance*

I tip my fedora to ye, good sir. A flying spaghetti monster DAE le teacup in space??

Jordan Peterson is retarded. Yeah, we need power hierarchies because everyone loves those. Just lol at all his fanboys who think they wouldnt be at the very bottom of that shit.

So you think everyone is equal and exactly the same? Lmao

Jordan Peterson has some good ideas worth talking about. But it's also true that most of his fanboys would be at the bottom of any hierarchy.

That doesn’t matter. The point of the dominance hierarchy isn’t to oppress, but to compete and strive for better. Being at the bottom and developing from that the will to power is undeniably better than loafing about in the general delusion that we’re all equal and personal gratification is the highest of goals.

That set's up another hierarchy, one where those loafers are on the bottom?

Good point. Kudos!

That girl deserves better.

He'll get a shotgun wedding and a stain on his shirt

I’m shocked

Totally! My fedora is engorged just thinking about logic and reason!!

Well, Sam is a little sensitive

I truly don't understand how people don't understand how smart people can be religious.