In r/hockey I called Sidney Crosby “Cindy” and was permanently banned.

11  2018-04-24 by NortheastPhilly

“Cindy ties it up” was my comment verbatim. What a bunch of fucking faggots


I'd have banned you, too; but only for posting such a hack comment.

I think he should be banned from here too


Reddit is one big hack comment

What do you expect from a civilian?

Wow, sounds like a legit 1st amendment issue. Get a lawyer, eh?

Easy for your ass to say. May the Schwartz be with you, Hymie

Keep it up. It's not like Reddit has been shitcanning hate subs by the dozens.

Why do you wish such ill will towards your only potential fan base? I don’t understand why you are the way you are, some days you stroll in with all sorts of juicy information and other days you want everything shut down.

Because “both” is not a state of being.

See, I can't hate this sub and still get the truth out there.

Its called bipolar disorder

im sorry to hear that.

if theres anything you want to get of your chest just make another threat about it!

Nice spelling of "thread", stupid.

Me: leave it alone!

Giroux is more of a bitch boi than Crosby anyway.

Was Crosby ever arrested for making sexual advances at a male police officer? Giroux was.

Call me crazy, but that sounds like something a gay man would do.

Perry would


We get it!

Why are you whining here about something you did on another part of the internet? You should be more embarrassed.

The public deserves to know

Great story. zzz

It’s almost like adding sticks and a puck to figure skating doesn’t make it any less gay

I bet you call the puck a biscuit and say goalies stood on their head.. take your hot takes to r/colorcommentary

that sub is one of most conspicuously SJW ones on reddit. they're constatnly trying to shoehorn in conversations about women's hockey and even light-hearted jabs between fans of rival teams are downvoted for being 'insensitive'.

I just got downvoted for calling a Danny a Jew in this very thread. Who are the real sjws

This site is full of whiny faggots. Sports subs are no exception.

Me: leave it alone!