Pancakes House is really great and all, but can we remove all links to this pathetic kike's last attempt at relevance?

4  2018-04-23 by TonyFromLongIsland

What the fuck are we doing.


Here here! And while we are at it downvote all his posts.

yay girl power

Danny, I know you will read this but not respond because you have the temerity and emotional moorings of a 12-year-old passive aggressive dickgirl. You fucked up a job at Sirius because you're an unlikable piece of trash. You fucked up a job at Rockstar, because you're an unlikable piece of trash. Seriously, you had a job where you fact-checked guns and made sure they were realistic looking enough for the game and you fucked that up. How can you go through life with this "everyone is just jealous of me and pays so much attention to me man" faggot attitude and seriously not want to put a gun to your head for what a contradictory faggot you are? Have some pride.

not wordy enough touch-hole. go suck his dick.

What’s touch-hole?

A game Jim used to play with the neighborhood kids

I'm on my mobile. There's not faggotcake house links "stickied" somewhere on the page is there? That'd be completely unacceptable. He's not good people. This sub shouldn't surround itself with people of his ilk

only thing worse than horseshit photoshops blazing the whole page are a bunch of attention whores positioning themselves to 'speak for the whole sub' at a downwards fashion.

when people join along your dick must get hard.

That doesn't even make sense faggot. Nice try with the hate though.

You really need to try harder to disguise the fact that you're Danny.

The fact that someone thought that it should be in the same list as Tough Crowd makes me want to vomit

did it? really? really?

Gross, this guy likes Danny Ross and his gay podcast

It's Danny...100% confirmed.

you are

whats this we shit.

Another brilliant sock account, faggot.

Tell me one good thing about his podcast

Apparently it contains 2,500 pre-written words!

Check and mate buddy boy

What difference does it make? This place is practically a ghost town with shitposts from 8-10 retards.

Look at your flair. You want so desperately to be liked by this group of 8-10 shitposting retards.

Flair is for queeeerrz.......How do you get flair???

Fuck Danny nothing more needs to be said.

That doesn't even make sense faggot. Nice try with the hate though.

You really need to try harder to disguise the fact that you're Danny.