Danny Ross should have hung himself instead of Steve C.

43  2018-04-23 by Thomas_Daly


BoboAndy rekt that sockcucka!

I would really like it if Sam Roberts went hiking with Troy Quan.

While funny she fell off a skateboard ramp at a skate park. Nice try on the hate tho.

This is technically harassment against a reddit user, as Danny Ross is not a public personality or celebrity and has a reddit account, so I'd delete it.

I’m certain he would cash in on the $5000 bounty on the sub.

would be my third suspension for that reason

Aren’t you the guy that jizzed opie and Bobos fam?

the man the myth the legend

But he thinks he’s a celebrity.

I think I'm a decent human being, what's your point?

Too late. Already reported and screencapped the entire thing.

You're such a dildo.

And you're a bunch of racist SJW's who condemn this very behavior. Except for when it's me though.

Except for when it's me though.

Or Anthony, or Opie, or Sam, or the mods, or Schumer, or whomever the sub pics out on any given day.

Hey! You're a mod right?

I am not a public figure as much as you'd like for me to be. I am not a celebrity, nor an on-air personality.

The thread you just deleted out of fear, was a great example of that.

If I'm on the level as Opie or Anthony, re-instate that thread OK pally?

Not sure which thread you're talking about.

First of all, you literally just linked to this thread.

Secondly, the user deleted that, not the mods.

Thirdly, this was just one asshole saying you should have killed yourself. There was no doxxing, there were no threats. This is pretty much on par with most of the other posts here, pathetic or not.

With all the shit around here, I would have thought you would have had thicker skin by now.

One asshole, with a dozen promoting hate speech. My skin is just fine but the climate of Reddit is such that a tighter leash should be utilized should you enjoy your precious safe space.

Safe space? Here? Really?

That's right. This is a sub for all the trolls and racists to have a safe haven. They can come here and take shits, say kike, and actually try and fuck with regular people's actual lives. I'm not Anthony. I won't sit here and pretend that this place DOESN'T actually affect lives. It sure does. And Reddit protects this behavior while banning subs like /r/fatpeoplehate.

This is a safe space for the morally devoid. This is a safe space for closet racists who can't speak their truth in their public lives. You're damn straight it's a safe space.

Oooh, Ninja edit. Ok.

No, I have no need to DM you my opinions. I'm ok with sharing them publicly.

Yes, there obviously is a difference between someone telling you to kill yourself and someone "doxxing" you.

Except nobody here is actually publicly doxxing you. When that shit starts, obviously that's actionable.

Someone saying "record stuff and send it to future employers" - yeah, it's a coward shitbag move. But it's not against any rules.

What would you like me to do about it? I'm easy.

Someone saying "record stuff and send it to future employers"

That's called "shit starting".

That's called "being a douchebag on the internet". It's par for the course.

And that post was removed. Anything else?

Before you weren't even sure who deleted it. Now you're acting like moderation took place. This thread was up for HOURS. And I bet it was only removed because I reported it.

Did Reddit mods get back to you yet?

No, the thread was deleted by either the OP or the admin. The single comment that seemed to set you off was removed by me. Yes, because it was reported. I don't go through every post on every thread, looking for stuff that might put a hurt in Danny Ross' ass. I respond to reports.

Did Reddit mods get back to you yet?

Not sure what that's supposed to mean, or that you actually understand how Reddit works.

Aren't you an admin? Do you have zero clue how your team operates?

A user here was encouraging the doxxing and harassment of another and you do NOTHING and act like it's my fault or "par for the course".

This mod team is a fucking joke, out for nothing but their own agendas.

Aren't you an admin? Do you have zero clue how your team operates?

No, I'm not an "admin" - "team"? lol.

A user here was encouraging the doxxing and harassment of another and you do NOTHING and act like it's my fault or "par for the course".

You seemed fine with it when it was Anthony under the gun.

This mod team is a fucking joke, out for nothing but their own agendas.

I have literally no agenda. I have never liked you, but still tried to play nice about your podcast, your posts here, your arguments with Anthony and that bullshit with the lispy asshole and his Youtube channel.

By all means, have fun with /r/PancakesHouse. Best of luck, sir.

You want to compromise, I'm all for it. Let's work something out.

Compromise hate-speech and doxing?

So, you're NOT a moderator of this sub? Am I missing something?

Are you validating my celebrity? Because you can't have it both ways. Am I a public figure or not?

What's to work out?

So, you're NOT a moderator of this sub? Am I missing something?

You are. Mods are not Admins. HUGE difference.

Are you validating my celebrity? Because you can't have it both ways. Am I a public figure or not?

I never said you weren't a public figure. Not sure why that matters. Public figure, has-been, never-was, regular Joe doesn't matter here anyway.

What's to work out?

Whatever your actual issues are. Like, actual realistic solutions that will meet everyone's satisfaction.

Well for starters, you should probably not encourage doxxing, briagding, or enciting the future targeted harassment of other reddit users. You should probably also you know like, BAN or SUSPEND users who break those rules.

YOU never said I was a public figure, but that's the shroud users hide behind to authenticate their posts. Don't sit here splitting hairs with me.

You're a mod. So you are in effect, in charge of this sub with your team. When the mod team has an agenda or personal beefs, that becomes a conflict of interest. It's beyond clear that at least /u/thetoolman, has an obvious issue with me, so much so, that he started a thread to alert the community that a fake me was banned. That user was banned for far less than the rules allow for. It's clearly a rigged system where mods let things slide that they agree with regardless of sub, or Reddit rules on a whole.

If you don't moderate Anthony related material, I fail to see how that's my problem. I am not encouraging others to fuck with him or ruin him. I am simply reporting the facts that I know to be true to garner attention to these issues which deserve attention.

The hatespeech is plenty. The amount of kike, jew, nigger, faggot etc is MORE than enough to eliminate this shithole from existence. So, keep at it friends. Can't last forever.

Well for starters, you should probably not encourage doxxing, briagding, or enciting the future targeted harassment of other reddit users. You should probably also you know like, BAN or SUSPEND users who break those rules.

I have been banning users who actually brigade or doxx people for years. Thing is, they actually have to do it, rather than just suggest it.

YOU never said I was a public figure, but that's the shroud users hide behind to authenticate their posts. Don't sit here splitting hairs with me.

Except YOU tried calling me out on it, when I never actually did it. Whatever the fuck the users think has nothing to do with me.

You're a mod. So you are in effect, in charge of this sub with your team. When the mod team has an agenda or personal beefs, that becomes a conflict of interest. It's beyond clear that at least /u/thetoolman, has an obvious issue with me, so much so, that he started a thread to alert the community that a fake me was banned. That user was banned for far less than the rules allow for. It's clearly a rigged system where mods let things slide that they agree with regardless of sub, or Reddit rules on a whole.

Whatever ToolMan did to you to make you cry has nothing to do with me. Take it up with him. That post you're talking about was a stupid mistake. Could it have been prevented? Absolutely. Was it borderline retarded? Yes. Should you have gotten over it by now? Definitely.

f you don't moderate Anthony related material, I fail to see how that's my problem. I am not encouraging others to fuck with him or ruin him. I am simply reporting the facts that I know to be true to garner attention to these issues which deserve attention.

No, but you certainly have no hesitation to jump in on those threads calling him out. And really, it's great you do. Everyone here loves you for it.

The hatespeech is plenty. The amount of kike, jew, nigger, faggot etc is MORE than enough to eliminate this shithole from existence.

It sure is. You didn't seem to mind it until very recently.

It sure is. You didn't seem to mind it until very recently.

I've always. But when is enough enough already? This sub seems to almost encourage it. Nobody is AGAINST it that's for sure. And nobody seems to do a thing about it. So, if the mods of this sub allow hatespeech then I will report it. If people can't shit on fat people on Reddit then why this? It's a clear double standard that is going to catch up with you sooner or later.

I don't understand why the mods here feel this community can't exist without racist, vile hatespeech. Are you saying that it CAN'T? The only way for this sub to thrive is by allowing the disgusting treatment of others based on nothing but race and stereotypes? If so, please let me so so I can have yet another thing to report to admins. This sub is CLEARLY a safe haven for hatespeech, racists, homophobes, anti-semites and the list goes on and on. If you and your mod team is cool with that, just let me know so I can document it, OK?

I can't help that the sub hates you sometimes. One day they're behind you, the next they're against you. It's the fickle fucking asshole in the sub.

I am not encouraging others to fuck with him or ruin him. I am simply reporting the facts that I know to be true to garner attention to these issues which deserve attention.

You are such a fucking delusional liar. According to your own claims you could've stopped a rapist from sexually assaulting someone and yet you decided not to. Instead of informing the police or the girls family, you decided to go hangout with the pedo and the underage girls, you're a sick lying piece of shit. Go to hell.

Again with the edits.

I don't care what you think of me, so I'll probably never change your mind.

Sure, that person is a piece of shit, but I'm not going to censor them because of it. Show me something that breaks the site rules, and I'll get rid of it.

I don't care what you think of me, so I'll probably never change your mind.

Welcome to my life ya big green yamo you.

More can be done. That's all. Way more than the current moderation team is capable of. Why some of your mods is extremely questionable.

Welcome to my life ya big green yamo you.

Ok. Like I haven't had several users doxxing me for years

More can be done. That's all. Way more than the current moderation team is capable of. Why some of your mods hold their current spots is extremely questionable.

I agree. I'll leave it at that

I will be extremely happy when this place finally gets shut down.

Well that's just shitty.

Until then? I will stay. And I will follow the rules. My only wish is that you apply those very same rules to those you let slide, time and time again

Ok. That's fair. I encourage you to report everything you feel is breaking the rules.

You want Thomas_Daly here posting? That's on you and your team.

I want everyone here posting. Is he a bag of shit? Sure. But even bags of shit have voices.

Voices that that have been getting subs shitcanned.

You're not off the radar.

Right. Nobody here is afraid of the sub getting shut down.

This seems like a huge admission that you understand the violations and choose to do nothing about it.

I'm sure it would if someone read the last paragraph, even though it was added in after I replied.

Also,no rules of conduct were broken, and that's been my point since the start of this.

Nah fuck that. It was targeted harassment until you removed the comment. That means it didn't exist? It's all good now? No harm, no foul? Fuck that.

It was targeted harassment until you removed the comment. That means it didn't exist?

Aaaaaaaaaand what could you possibly want now? That bad hurtful evil comment on the internet is gone. Now what?

Just this very reaction from a moderator.


Glad we could work this out.

Your attitude is unbecoming of a moderator of a forum.

You're continuing to comment on a thread that was removed hours ago.

Yes. I am talking to you. You said you wanted to keep it here. Did I miss something?

I am not a public figure as much as you'd like for me to be. I am not a celebrity, nor an on-air personality.

You want to use this excuse to get people not to talk about you? You talk about Erock, you're just as much of a public figure as he is. Former sirius xm producer who now hosts a podcast. Why are fine talking about Erock but then turn around and complain that you're not a "public figure" so people shouldn't talk about you?

If I'm on the level as Opie or Anthony, re-instate that thread OK pally

Remember when you were bragging about how you're podcast is gonna be more successful than both Opie's and Anthony's? Surely if you have a more successful podcast than you're on their level right? Actually, you currently have a podcast and opie doesnt, wouldn't that make you more of a public figure than him? You can't do AMA's here and also try and act like you deserve privacy since you aren't a "public figure"


he didn't hang Steve C. He wasn't strong enough. Probably could now.

Word yomor

Yeah let’s keep talkin shit to the person who gives us inside shit on gravel face

Yes, let's. He looks like a faggoty Dave Attell and lost at guitar hero after bragging embarrassingly about being the best plastic rocker in all the land. fuck him.

He already gave out all the good shit. If he had anything else we'd want to hear he'd still be giving it out so he could keep plugging his podcast. He's hoping people think he has more so we'll continue playing nice. Stop falling for his Jewish tricks.

Vury good idea TD. That Jew Fuck really kills the vibe around here. Faggit Jew

That jew stink is really unmistakeable.

There was a man, who took a belt. Took a belt, and hung himself. Hung himself in the doorway of the apartment where he lived.

That was Bob. He drew such wondrous picture in the apartment where he lived.

Ramooooooonnee, bring me my Jew rope...

make sure his podcast advertisement thread is archived. if he gets a real job we can email it to his employer and co-workers

There's still time.

ah hes a good sport

Word yomor

Well for starters, you should probably not encourage doxxing, briagding, or enciting the future targeted harassment of other reddit users. You should probably also you know like, BAN or SUSPEND users who break those rules.

YOU never said I was a public figure, but that's the shroud users hide behind to authenticate their posts. Don't sit here splitting hairs with me.

You're a mod. So you are in effect, in charge of this sub with your team. When the mod team has an agenda or personal beefs, that becomes a conflict of interest. It's beyond clear that at least /u/thetoolman, has an obvious issue with me, so much so, that he started a thread to alert the community that a fake me was banned. That user was banned for far less than the rules allow for. It's clearly a rigged system where mods let things slide that they agree with regardless of sub, or Reddit rules on a whole.

If you don't moderate Anthony related material, I fail to see how that's my problem. I am not encouraging others to fuck with him or ruin him. I am simply reporting the facts that I know to be true to garner attention to these issues which deserve attention.

The hatespeech is plenty. The amount of kike, jew, nigger, faggot etc is MORE than enough to eliminate this shithole from existence. So, keep at it friends. Can't last forever.